Video: Mysterious black shadow on the Moon

The shadow-like image of a person moving on the surface of the Moon was discovered through the Google Earth map.

The image was discovered using Google Earth in July, then uploaded to YouTube in a video lasting more than a minute. The mysterious shadow is said to appear on the surface of the Moon as a figure of a walking person. However, there are opinions that it is like the shadow of a large tower or alien.

Picture 1 of Video: Mysterious black shadow on the Moon
Snapshot from video

"A shadow of a different shape is often detected like the shadow of an object or a standing person. Initially, I thought it was painted on the picture but after checking with Google Moon, there could be something. Other there " , UFO Sighting Daily leads information from Wowforreeel, the YouTube account name of this image discoverer, said.

According to IB Times, the trend of using Google Earth to find UFOs and make videos of UFO-related cases is increasingly popular. While many people believe that this is true, there are also opposite ideas.

Similar detection cases have been recorded in the past time. A few months ago, a video showed UFOs approaching the International Space Station (ISS) posted on YouTube.