Virtual reality software exposes brain activity

Researchers from the University of California in San Diego (UCSD) and in San Francisco (UCSF) have created a software called "glass brain" that helps us observe the reaction to a stimulus on the side. in the human brain in real time.

Working with the team of neuroscientists Philip Rosedale - founder of Second Life virtualization software company. He shared that adopting virtual reality technology into digital media is a big challenge."We try to identify the most important factors that can help people feel like they are talking face to face." Rosedale has just formed a new company called High Fidelity and is currently developing a next-generation virtual system.

Picture 1 of Virtual reality software exposes brain activity

Neuroscientists used MRI magnetic resonance imaging to scan the brain of Mrs. Yvette, Rosedale's wife. And to prepare for the performance at the recent SXSW fair, they gave the Yvette a hat fitted with electroencephalography electrodes (EEG) to record brain activity.

Sitting next to Mrs. Yvette, Rosedale wore the Oculus Rift virtual reality glasses so he could observe a 3D image of his wife's brain activity. He shared: "In the middle of the performance, some of the people sitting down told me to" tickle her away. "I did not dare because . she would kill me. She and pinch, now I see the cortical areas of the brain have immediately lit up. "