Virtual traffic jams: The new obsession of modern times!

Virtual traffic jams can appear due to driving habits and natural wave dynamics between vehicles on the road .

What are virtual traffic jams?

A virtual traffic jam is any traffic jam that occurs for no apparent reason , i.e. without an accident, speed trap, or construction,. forcing a large number of drivers The car must brake. These traffic phenomena are called jamitons .

In fact, virtual traffic jams can be caused by people with uncivilized driving habits (unnecessarily applying the brakes). Perhaps the individual was glancing to check their phone and saw a flash of movement in the road that caused them to instinctively brake. Or perhaps they see an anomaly in the road and slow down before realizing it's just an illusion of light.

Picture 1 of Virtual traffic jams: The new obsession of modern times!
Virtual traffic jams, also known as traffic waves, standing waves, or ghost jams.

For example, if a driver suddenly brakes without needing to, it could cause a ripple effect that slows dozens of vehicles. This is because when driving on busy highways and roads, drivers tend to jostle each other. If the leading driver then brakes suddenly, the car behind will have to quickly brake to avoid a collision, and the cars behind will have to do the same, causing traffic congestion.

Phantom traffic jams, also known as traffic waves, standing waves, or ghost jams , are annoying traffic jams that drivers often encounter. They occur when traffic suddenly slows down for no apparent reason

Ripple Effect

If the leading driver brakes suddenly, the car behind will have to quickly brake, and the cars behind will have to do the same, causing a ripple effect that can slow dozens of cars. Even if the leading vehicle only applies the brakes for a moment and then continues moving forward, the ripple effect of the vehicle braking suddenly can last for hundreds of meters. Each car behind will have to slow down significantly to stay safe, until the speed of all cars can accelerate again.

Emergency braking on the highway (i.e. applying the brakes and slowing from about 100km/h to almost a complete stop) will make the "jamiton" phenomenon even more serious. This isn't even limited to individual lanes, seeing the brake lights of cars in other lanes flashing can also result in the driver having to slam on the brakes. This can reduce speeds across the entire width of the highway.

Picture 2 of Virtual traffic jams: The new obsession of modern times!
The main factor leading to virtual congestion is heavy traffic flow
. Vehicles travel close together, making speed regulation difficult. Just one driver braking lightly can create a chain reaction. The car behind will react by braking a little harder to keep a safe distance. This pattern continues along the line of cars, with each driver braking more than the person in front. This creates a wave of slowing traffic that can last tens or hundreds of meters.

The ripple effect is a phenomenon that describes the propagation of an initial, often small, impact into surrounding areas, creating subsequent impacts, much like ripples spread across the surface of water when I drop a stone.

This effect can be observed in many different areas, including:

  1. Physics: When a stone is dropped into water, it creates ripples that spread around. The farther the ripple is from the center, the smaller it becomes and eventually disappears.
  2. Society: A small action by an individual can create widespread effects on the community. For example, a person who volunteers to help the homeless can inspire others to do the same, creating a community of support for those in need; A business applying environmental protection measures can encourage other businesses to follow suit, contributing to protecting the living environment; An awareness campaign about an important social issue can lead to changes in law or policy.
  3. Economics : An economic decision by a government or business can affect prices, employment, and economic growth in many different regions.
  4. Technology: A new invention can lead to changes in many different areas of social life. For example, the advent of the internet has had a huge impact on the way we communicate, learn and do business.
  5. Media : A news or information can be spread quickly and widely through social networks and other media, creating public opinion and influencing people's behavior.

The ripple effect can have both positive and negative effects. It is important to be aware of the potential impacts of our actions so we can make positive changes and limit negative effects.