Vista: Slower than XP?
Computers with the latest operating system from Microsoft equipped with RAM of less than 2 GB have much longer boot times and applications than Windows XP.
" I ran in parallel with the two operating systems and had to wait a long time to download some applications on Vista while they were almost ready to operate immediately on XP systems ," a person named William shared on the show. Microsoft's Performance & Maintenance forum. " I upgraded the computer configuration to match Vista's requirements but still completely disappointed ."

Vista login screen
Another person, Kris, said: " I upgraded XP to Vista Premium. When I started the laptop, I had to wait 6 minutes before I could open the first application like Outlook or Internet Explorer ."
Some argue that slow speed is the price to accept for being too impatient to use the latest, "best" version of Microsoft. According to some people, it is no wonder that XP is faster than Vista because if you want to use more features, you have to sacrifice part of the performance.
Microsoft experts recommend users to install more RAM and run the Vista Performance Information & Tools control panel to diagnose possible problems. The fact also shows that only those with computers with more than 2 GB of memory claim that they have no problems.
Members Bengt on the Forum Performance & Maintenance announced that they would return to XP if Vista did not improve, although he really wanted to continue using the new operating system. Bengt also took 10 minutes to boot the system, then had to wait another 5 minutes before he could start using the device.
Meanwhile, Microsoft spokesman said Vista did not slow down: " The time to start or shutdown depends very much on the original device manufacturer's PC configuration. Except for a few cases, most customers Our products recognize Vista's speed . "
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