Vitamin D reduces the aging process

According to British researchers, vitamin D may help reduce the aging process of cells and tissues in the human body .

A study published by King's College London researchers on Thursday made more than 2,160 women between the ages of 18 and 79 showing that people with high levels of vitamin D had little age-related changes. in DNA than the rest.

Picture 1 of Vitamin D reduces the aging process Vitamin D supply:
The body can synthesize vitamin d by eating the sun.
Butter, milk, cheese, fish, vegetable oil . are good sources of vitamin D for the body ( Photo: )

Through short contraction testing (also known as 'creasing') in telomeres of DNA strands, the researchers observed and examined the aging process of white blood cells.

Researchers found that it seemed to have a faster rate of change and 'shrinkage' , especially when the tissues in the body suffered from stimulation; At the same time, it measures the amount of vitamin D in the blood, comparing it to the length of telomeres in white blood cells.

Picture 2 of Vitamin D reduces the aging process Benefits of Vitamin D:
Vitamin D provides calcium for the body. Hold for bone and teeth development ( Photo: )

Researchers have found that, after adjusting the volunteers' age results, women with high levels of vitamin D often have longer telomeres in these cells, and vice versa.

Brent Richards, who conducted the study directly, said: ' These results are interesting because they first demonstrated that people with high levels of vitamin D have a slower aging process than people with low vitamin D levels. . This also explains how vitamin D positively affects many aging-induced diseases, such as heart attack and cancer . '

Picture 3 of Vitamin D reduces the aging process Vitamin D deficiency:
Deficiency of Vitamin D or the inability to absorb Vitamin D can lead to rickets. Aging and aging of bones leads to severe calcium deficiency ( Photo: )

However, the researchers also acknowledge that the study only revealed the relationship between vitamin D and the length of telomeres, but it has yet to give clear evidence that vitamin D causes this effect. .

Picture 4 of Vitamin D reduces the aging process 'Telomeres' (in Greek, telo means the end, and meres are parts) is a molecular structure located at the ends of the chromosome . According to calculations, the telomeres of human fibroblasts, which produce collagen, lose about 20 molecules each year. When telomeres become too short, the chromosomes are less stable, they cannot attach to the nuclear membrane, they are stuck together and have a peculiar shape. Consequently, cells cannot be divided. Researchers are beginning to evaluate the size of telomeres as a precise 'measure' of life, or the aging process of cells. ( According to SK )

Bui Thanh