Warning about an increase in Windows attacks

Picture 1 of Warning about an increase in Windows attacks Security experts have warned of a sharp increase in attacks on Windows-based PC systems.

Meanwhile, Microsoft still showed the average foot.

SANS Internet Storm Center, Symantec, McAfee and several other security companies are now warning about the emergence of a new worm that attacks Windows-based PCs by exploiting the security bug MS06-040.

Yesterday, Symantec decided to raise the level of ThreatCon security alert to Level 2. This means that the company predicts there will be an explosion of cyberattacks.

In a user warning message, the security firm warned that it had noticed signs of strong attacks going through the exploit of the MS06-040 error. There have been a total of 6 variants of malicious code that attack this security error.

'The potential risk from such threats is increasing after reports of the Windows NT operating system have been attacked and kidnapped. There are currently no patches for this system , 'Symantec warned. ' Windows 2000 and Windows XP also face these risks '.

SANS Internet Storm Center - a company that monitors security threats against network systems - a statement on the official website confirmed that it has received several reports of the rise of malicious activities. However, analyzing these threats suggests that such attacks are easily detected. Most security software has been able to detect new types of malicious code.

Meanwhile, Microsoft said it had not received any signs of an increase in malicious activity related to the exploit of security vulnerability MS06-040.

' Microsoft has been carefully monitoring potential malicious activities since the MS06-040 patch was released . At the moment we have not noticed any signs of any event. increased attacks by exploiting this security bug , 'a Microsoft representative said in a statement released yesterday.

The security tools of Microsoft and other third parties can protect users against any vulnerabilities exploiting security bugs MS06-040. If the user has not installed the Microsoft patch, install it as soon as possible.

The code that exploits Windows security vulnerabilities has led to a significant increase in the number of abducted PCs, security firm CipherTrust. Statistics from the security firm said the number of abducted PCs has increased by more than 23%. The main reason was the strong spread of variant Mocbot attacking the user system via the MS06-040 error.

If the PC is kidnapped by the hacker, SANS Internet Storm Center recommends that users should reformat the hard drive and reinstall the operating system. However, users should first be careful and learn about security threats, and should constantly update the operating system and security software.

Hoang Dung