Warning of the danger of extinction of species

Research by the University of California team has shown that the role of carnivores is huge, which we have not yet evaluated in the past to regulate ecosystems.

The decline in the number of carnivore populations will lead to ' domino effect ' and will result in a massive sixth wave of species genocide on a very large scale.

Picture 1 of Warning of the danger of extinction of species
The role of carnivores is huge in regulating ecosystems. Illustration.

Scientists at the University of California reiterated that the great mass extinction (often referred to as the cataclysm) last time erased many species in a very short time that occurred during the White Rabbit era 65 million years ago. All dinosaurs (along with one-sixth of the species living on Earth) did not survive an individual.

The group of scientists led by Professor James Estes confirmed that ' large carnivores are very important in biosphere activities, from the deepest ocean floor to the highest mountains, from the Hot tropical forest reaches the remote cold Arctic region.

The uncontrollable reduction in the number of parts on the top of the 'food chain pyramid' is changing the ecosystem of all areas of our planet . '

Large outbreaks of large horned animals have strongly affected the crowded wildebeest in East Africa, causing them to die massively. This has caused grassland - their main food - to grow without limitation, after the rainy season will be dried up in the harsh sun, and become the source of widespread forest fires, spread to many countries.

Hunting whales for very high profits has led to a rapid whale killer (killer whale), a quick change of diet, a shift to massacre of sea bears, sea lions, and newspapers. the sea . the beginning of a card game is unknown .

Based on scientific research, scientists at the University of California have urged the world to pay special attention to the top of the ' food pyramid ', because their role is much greater than The things that we often think of now.