Wearing flip flops can cause leg problems

Picture 1 of Wearing flip flops can cause leg problems In summer, cardboard is quite popular. Most men and women like to walk because they not only respect the legs but also help the feet dry and airy. Recently, however, scientists at Auburn University, Alabama, said long walks with flip flops can jeopardize the health of the legs.

Why are slippers not healthy?

The bad news is that flip flops can lead to negative effects when walking. Because the walker has to take short steps and put their ankles forward to keep the cardboard from slipping. That means you have to operate your leg muscles harder than usual - all from your toes to your hips.

Result when wearing cardboard

In addition, to keep the cardboard from slipping, you must fit the big toe, put strength into it while walking, which increases the tension of the links running along the soles of the feet. It can cause swelling, bone pain, edema, and convulsions. Most often, your legs get tired.

However the benefits of flip flops are that you feel your feet are always dry and comfortable. But scientists also recommend that people should not go to the beach because you will have to use forces in the muscles more than normal to go on sand or underwater. Therefore, the muscles of the feet will become tense, tired and aching.

Which type of cardboard to choose?

Scientists say that flip flops with extra straps will be the best option because it keeps your feet comfortable, not putting your strength into your big toe. They help you protect your foot disease. Thus, with flip flops with straps, it looks like pairs of sandals.