Do not wear flip flops often

A recent study by the College of Medicine for American Sports says walking with flip flops (or flip-flops) can be the cause of body aches and pains.

Harmful and times should not wear flip-flops

Medical and pharmaceutical experts everywhere have also found patients to increase because of problems with their feet that are directly caused by flip-flops (or flip-flops) for a long time.

The flip flops are only used for short distances, from swimming pools to the house or from the sea to the sun loungers, not for the purpose of walking all day or playing with children outside.

Picture 1 of Do not wear flip flops often

Causing fatigue to the feet

The main problem is that these sandals are not enough to support the legs. The classic type of soft rubber sandals too soft often does not support the feet or designs that are not suitable for the feet. This affects the heel and causes the calf to stretch. Therefore, if wearing flip-flops for a long time will cause ankle injuries, causing ankle cracks and sprains . The straps of the flip-flops can be a point in which skin irritation causes an infection or disruption of blood circulation.

Professor Wendi Weimer, Auburn University, said: 'We like to wear flip flops because of the feeling of freedom, comfort but rarely pay attention to the feeling in the legs until the pain increases and becomes clear.

Ms. Wendi also experimented with students who had graduated from the ground with their feet. Experiment volunteers are required to wear sports shoes or flip flops with leather straps. The results show that stride steps are related to ankle activity. With leather shoes, ankle guards on toes when moving, in the flip flops, ankles are on duty to keep the flip flops off their feet. And with an average walking time of 10,000 - 20,000 steps a day, small changes in gait are also serious health damage.

High risk of leg injury

One of the biggest risks that flip-flops cause is a high risk of injury. Physiotherapists say they have seen a lot of serious injuries in people who go on a regular basis.

With a simple design that only includes a flat base and a Y-shaped straps, the flip flops don't hold tightly to the legs. This affects the heel and causes the calf to stretch. The ligaments between the heel and the abdomen will be weakened, the pain will usually appear after about 2 weeks of continuous walking.

Picture 2 of Do not wear flip flops often

In addition, because the cardboard is often quite loose, you can easily slip, fall, and also cause many serious injuries, such as broken bones of the feet due to excessive bone strain. .

Inflammation of the foot of the foot

Another common diagnosis for people who often wear flip flops is foot inflammation of the foot. The manifestation of the disease is the swelling of thick tissue at the soles of the feet, which occurs when you regularly adjust your toes to fix the foot. Inflammation of the foot of the foot is a chronic, painful illness.

Painful, deformed toes

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People who often wear flip-flops will hurt their toes due to their regular legs, which must be attached to the thin straps of the flip flops to keep the cardboard from slipping. Thereby increasing the tension of the links running along the soles of the feet causing swelling, edema, convulsions, bone pain and even deformed toes.

Making knee pain, back pain

When wearing flip flops, the alignment of your entire lower body changes. So you may experience muscle problems when traveling. You also take shorter steps and your feet will have to land differently in each step. This causes changes in the knees, hips and back. Long-term results in back pain or knee pain. Physiotherapists even warned that these changes could lead to disc herniation.

Sunburn and blistering

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When you walk, most of your feet will be exposed, while many people don't have the habit of applying sunscreen to their feet. So make your legs sunburn easily when exposed to environmental factors. Besides, blisters and blisters are also obnoxious things caused by flip flops, especially in the interstitial where you can't use bandages.

And 5 situations you should not wear flip flops

1. Take the dog for a walk

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Cardboard slipper is a place to attract a multitude of microorganisms. Just 30 minutes of walking with the puppy in the garden is enough to make your feet cling to grimy. The Today Show's 2009 report shows more than 18,000 types of bacteria residing in a pair of flip flops, including those in dog feces. For people with diabetes, the risk of infection will be higher, so these sandals are especially dangerous.

Dr. Kauderer said: 'Going on a pair of flip flops is better than barefoot. However, even when piercing sandals, your feet are still exposed to dirt and many types of bacteria, increasing the risk of infection '.

2. Walk, run and jump

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Cardboard slippers are not the right choice for those who need quick reflexes. Dr. Megan Leahy, Illinois Arthritis Institute, said: 'The flip flops are easy to slip from the feet and stuck under the brakes or brake pedals .'

Hiking, playing with children or simply running when wearing flip flops can turn the most agile people into clumsy reflexes. The flip flops only fix your feet with thin straps on both sides and between your toes. According to a 2008 Auburn University study, flip-flops will make your stride shorter and more likely to slip. Dr. Leahy said: 'More dangerous, changing gait can lead to spinal problems, hips, knees and ankles'.

3. Working in the garden

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Extremely dangerous lawn mowers with legs. Unless you want to brag about how well your trophies are lost, choose a pair of shoes that can cover your feet safely to avoid any risk.

When doing work behind the counter or waiting in line, flip flops may not make you feel pain, but sometime along the way, you will feel a burning sensation. Dr Kauderer said: 'These flat soles do not give you the necessary support, nor do they serve as cushion cushions like other sandals.' Long-term flip-flops can lead to many different foot problems, including soles of the soles of the feet, soles of the foot soles, flat feet and spines.

4. Cooking

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Safety experts recommend not wearing flip flops in the kitchen. That's why Mario Batali, the famous American chef, wears shoes in the kitchen. Boiling water, hot oil pots and sharp objects in the kitchen are full of dangerous accidents. In the face of unforeseen circumstances, if you go on flip-flops, your reflection will be very poor, increasing your risk of injury.

5. Subway or bus

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In crowded places there are always carefree guys who don't know what they're trampling on. It is a threat to the toes displayed when you wear flip-flops, the reason you should not wear flip flops when riding a bus or subway.

Saying that doesn't mean you have to turn your back on flip flops, Dr. Kauderer suggests choosing the right time to wear. She said: ' If you intend to wear this type of slippers for a long time, choose the type of flip flops that can support you appropriately. The Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) has a list of appropriate types of slippers for each person and occupation. '

Those who like flip flops in the summer do not have to throw them away but take advantage of them when swimming, swimming .. When looking for fashionable sandals for this summer, please save attention to the sole of the shoe and the basic shape of the shoe supporting the calf and heel.