Researcher Brad Norman attached a date logging device to a whale shark.Rory Wilson swam behind him.(Photo: LiveScience)
These giant monsters can carry out underwater flying, making the fighter pilot embarrassed, the two researchers announced.
Rory Wilson, from Swansea University in Wales, saw whale sharks (not harming people) wandering in the water abruptly down the slope like a fighter pilot, jumping up and down. it crashed again in a series of great movements.
Whale sharks are the largest fish in the world. They are neither whales nor interesting.
Researcher Brad Norman attached a date logging device to a whale shark.Rory Wilson swam behind him.(Photo: LiveScience)
"It's like a bird's thrust, then shot up, using momentum and gravity to conserve energy to the maximum. They fly like birds - but in this case, the bird is as big as a bird. the bus, " Wilson commented.
Such behavior has never been observed in a fish before, he said.
Whale sharks are the largest and the largest fish swimming in the seas.They eat by filtering small fish through the teeth in the mouth.(Photo: LiveScience, Reuters)
Wilson and his partner Brad Norman tracked whale sharks in the Indian Ocean, off Ningaloo, on Australia's west coast. They have attached an electronic device to several whale sharks, which can record their parameters in detail - 8 times per second, including speed, depth, tossing, rolling, the first direction, along with the tail of the tail.
"For the first time, we have observed what this giant creature does when it comes out of human sight, and is not what we hope to find," the authors said.