Whales are capable of mimicking human voices

American and Canadian oceanographers have discovered a white whale, living in the ocean area near California state, capable of mimicking human voices.

The chief of oceanographers from Sam Ridgway National Mammal Fund said: 'Our research shows that whales are forced to change the working principle of the larynx organs, to transmit. out sounds, like human voices. It seems, these dolphins want to establish relationships with humans. '

Ridgway and his colleagues studied the lives of several white dolphins and whales living in the San Diego area. They often dive into the pool to observe the behavior and monitor the individual characteristics of each fish. During such a dive, a diver heard the 'emergent' command . When he came to the surface and asked his colleague, who told him to emerge, his colleague was surprised.

Picture 1 of Whales are capable of mimicking human voices
Can white whales mimic human voices?

There is a theory that the dolphins in the tank created that order. This hypothesis is related to an incident that happened in the past. In 1984, Ridgway and his colleagues noticed strange sounds, reminiscent of a very distant and unclear conversation between the two, as the team approached the whale and dolphin tanks.

Biologists have carried out a lot of observations with each individual captive fish and discovered that the strange "voice" was created by a young whale, a relatively young NOC. This fish, along with several other whales and dolphins, lived in the tank for 7 years. This tank is also where divers often go to check the underwater communications system.

The researchers recorded the sounds emitted by the NOC, analyzed, compared to the human voice on a computer program. Surprisingly, the sounds that this fish creates are more similar to human voices than are the sounds they make to resonate and to communicate with others.

Scientists find that imitating human voices is a very difficult task for whales. Whales use their noses, not the larynxs to make sounds. The NOC was forced to change the pressure in the nose and breath to imitate human voices.

However, after growing up, the NOC no longer makes sounds like human.