Whales can ... learn a foreign language

A Beluga white whale in Crimea was surprised to learn dolphin in just 2 months. Before that, another Beluga whale even tried to learn . human language.

A 4-year-old uncle became the main character of the study, published in the journal Animal Cognition. The results show that Beluga whales are smart enough to be able to learn the language of other animals quickly.

Picture 1 of Whales can ... learn a foreign language
Beluga white whales in Crimea were able to communicate with other species after only 2 months of cohabitation - (photo: TELEGRAPH).

The famous whale was moved to live with dolphins at Koktebel Beach (Crimea) and quite lonely because I am the only whale. However, researcher Elena Panaova, of the Russian Academy of Sciences, recounted: "Two months after introducing Beluga into a new facility, we found that it began to imitate the whistling of dolphins, while its characteristic language has disappeared ".

The researchers dropped the 90-hour recording and analysis effort, the other white whale "talked" , and confirmed that it was using very well. New friends were initially afraid of it, have now become closer by trying to learn each other's "foreign languages" .

Even one of the dolphins responded to this good idea by learning some sound in the sound of Beluga whale. While it is not possible to clearly define their ability to understand foreign languages, it is obviously good for their relationship.

In 2012, another Beluga whale was also surprised to try to imitate a number of human language models and expressed interest in talking to those who captured it. However, because the human language was much more complicated, it could not achieve what the whale in Crimea had tried and succeeded.

Beluga whales, considered to be one of the smartest whales in the whale family, are considered to have superior intelligence.

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