What effect does the legendary T-rex dinosaur's arm have?

One of the most terrifying creatures that ever existed in Earth's history is the tyrant dinosaur (tyrannosaurus rex), or T-rex.

That arm used to make fun of netizens for a long time. But it turns out, it has a very important role, not a joke of creation for T-rex dinosaurs.

One of the most terrifying creatures that ever existed in Earth's history is the tyrant dinosaur (tyrannosaurus rex), or T-rex.

Picture 1 of What effect does the legendary T-rex dinosaur's arm have?

Tyrannosaurus and Ankylosaurus dinosaurs.

To describe it, T-rex has a large and aggressive appearance, with the most terrible-sized teeth. Science calls them the princes of the ancient jungle.

However, the T-rex has a very unreasonable trait, which is small , spindly and ridiculous hands , not worthy of the size of this animal. With those hands, even science doubts their ability to hunt.

However, according to a recent study, these hands turned out to work. Specifically, according to Steven Stanley, a paleontologist from the University of Hawaii, although those hands are small, they can still produce extremely dangerous scratches.

Picture 2 of What effect does the legendary T-rex dinosaur's arm have?

Tiny hands are the subject of a lot of jokes from netizens.

Stanley thinks the prejudices surrounding the poor T-rex's tiny arms are really unfair. In his research, he points out that it is a feature of T-rex, which helps them attack enemies in a narrow range.

"It is short, but the arm is very strong, with a huge claw showing that T-rex, despite being attacked from behind, can still create at least four meters long scratches, at least a few times deep. -ti " - Stanley wrote in the report.

"And it can repeat those scratches at high speed."

To prove this hypothesis, Stanley directly introduced features that showed T-rex's arm strength - including skeletal and muscular frameworks with a very suitable mechanism. In addition, T-rex's front limbs have only two long nails on each side, which increase the danger of the wound. For comparison, common carnivorous dinosaurs have at least 3 nails each.

10cm long nails, plus strength from joints, it will be a very long, very deep and very dangerous wound. It is evidence that these little hands are not evolutionary errors of T-rex.

Picture 3 of What effect does the legendary T-rex dinosaur's arm have?

The front limb of T-rex has only two long nails on each side.

Stanley also said he understands that T-rex's hands have shrunk during evolution, to make way for the massive, big jaws. But obviously, they are very dangerous when T-rex hunts. It must be a weapon left behind by the natural selection process.

However, other scientists have somewhat disagreement.

"I believe the damage it causes is huge, but to release a scratch, T-rex has to push his chest up, face the prey, and that's not convenient" - Thomas Holtz from the University of Maryland counter for.

Picture 4 of What effect does the legendary T-rex dinosaur's arm have?

Perhaps that arm has more use with the young T-rex.

"Perhaps the arm is more useful for the younger T-rex. But as it matures, its use fades away," Holtz said.

"The damage area of ​​the nail will be larger for younger T-rex, because they must attack small prey."

The study was published at the American Geological Society meeting.

Update 17 December 2018



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