What happens to the body after kicking drugs?

In the first hour, the body feels excited; the next day began to worry, sleepy; Continuous use will cause heart failure, convulsions, paranoia.

According to ABC, stone drugs are only for synthetic drugs, containing methamphetamine (meth) and amphethamine (amph) .

Dr. Nicole Lee, National Institute of Drug Research Curtin University, Australia, said the effect of methamphetamine on the human body depends on the form of use. Users smoke, inhale, inject, swallow or dissolve it into alcohol or water to drink. They will feel the change in the body from the first hours of use until the next day and the risk of health damage when used repeatedly.

First hour

When smoking, drugs will work immediately in just a few minutes. When swallowing, about 20 minutes after a new user senses a change in the body including dilated pupils, increased heart rate, breathing rate, sexual desire, reduced appetite.

Immediate effects are intense joy and excitement. Rock drug users say they feel there is a lot of energy to think clearly, make good decisions and plan effective work. The reason is that methamphetamine increases the level of hormone dopamine (bringing joy and instant gratification) up to 1,000 times the normal level, more than any other activity or drug.

Picture 1 of What happens to the body after kicking drugs?
Rock drug raises happy hormones up to 1,000 times normal . (Photo: WDN).


The effects of kicking drugs usually last from 4 to 12 hours, although methamphetamine can be detected in blood and urine for up to 72 hours. When the effect of the drug is almost over, the user's health begins to decline. decreased in a day later. They may have headaches, blurred vision, boredom, anxiety and start to feel hungry. The tired body makes them want to sleep for one to two days although it will be difficult to sleep. In addition, some people are easily angry or have mild mental symptoms such as paranoia and hallucinations.

Use more again

When using stone drugs at high and frequent doses, the euphoric effects will be replaced by negative effects affecting health.

Physically, stone drugs cause heart palpitations, increased breathing and body temperature, dry mouth, and sometimes nausea. At toxicity or overdose levels may cause stroke, heart failure and seizures.

Using higher doses, users begin to feel anxious, hostile and aggressive. This can lead to paranoia and many mental manifestations.

The release of methamphetamine of another neurotransmitter called noradrenaline causes a reaction in the body. For example, users have stroke-like symptoms but are severely agitated and become more aggressive.

Body recovery time

To detoxify methamphetamine, it takes about two weeks for users to use it, twice as much time as many other drugs. Persons who use it continuously take another 12 to 18 months for their bodies to balance, no longer panic and worry.

One of the reasons making recovery so difficult is that methamphetamine affects dopamine hormones that affect the brain regions involved. The brain is no longer able to produce enough dopamine to supply the body. From there, users will depend on stone drugs to seek pleasure in order to avoid feeling anxious and sad when the brain does not provide enough dopamine.