What is sore throat disease?

What is pharyngitis? What are the causes and symptoms of disease? Join us to learn about this disease through the following article.

What is pharyngitis?

Strep throat is a persistent and persistent inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oropharynx and tonsils, leading to swollen lymphocytes in the posterior wall of the throat. Strep throat is a common disease in adults, although it is not dangerous but affects health and work, especially in daily communication.

Manifestations of pharyngitis

  1. Throat with spots, large and small particles, speckled or large particles depending on the condition.
  2. Feeling of entanglement, suffering, snoring and discomfort in the throat.
  3. A dry cough without phlegm. Depending on the condition, the cough may be different and mild.
  4. Also there are some other symptoms that may appear like pain, burning, dry throat.

Picture 1 of What is sore throat disease?
Symptoms of pharyngitis

Strep throat does not directly affect the patient's life but if left for long:

  1. The virus will make a deep nest in the throat, which is very difficult to cure
  2. Sore throat, continuous, persistent relapses, discomfort
  3. Difficulty in talking and communication
  4. Long-lasting breath

Strep throat in particular and sore throat in general occur mainly due to the virus, partly because bacteria enter the throat area. However, the virus causes easy access because the throat area is vulnerable due to:

  1. The environment is increasingly polluted, with lots of dust and smoke
  2. The abuse of cigarettes and alcohol by a large number of people and relatives is also affected
  3. Abuse of antibiotics

Distinguish strep throat and common sore throat

In the case of patients with common sore throat, patients with a sore throat or feeling, may be accompanied by fever. Patients can self-treat at home according to the doctor's instructions and for a short time.

In the case of patients with sore throat, besides feeling pain, the patient also feels itchy and entangled in the throat, fever symptoms. With pharyngitis, the most common treatment is burning the throat, but only temporarily because it is difficult to remove all the particles in just a few burns.

Picture 2 of What is sore throat disease?
Should rinse your mouth often to prevent throat inflammation.

How to prevent strep throat

  1. Clean oral hygiene is the first thing you should do
  2. Treatment of pathologies of rhinitis, sinusitis, stomatitis, ear infections . to avoid fluid containing bacteria, viruses, fungi that flow down to make the throat constantly inflamed
  3. Adjust diet, exercise accordingly to increase the body's resistance
  4. Do not smoke or work in polluted, toxic environments
  5. Gargle regularly every day with dilute salt water to make sure the throat is always clean and prevented before bacteria have a chance to invade and cause inflammation.

How to cure sore throat at home effectively

Perilla leaves

Picture 3 of What is sore throat disease?
Clean fresh perilla leaves and grind them to drink daily.Drink 5 times a day.

Can use perilla leaves, perilla root dried in the shade to cook porridge with sticky rice, tangerine peel to treat sore throat. When eating porridge can add onions and pepper to kill the bacteria that cause disease in the oropharynx.


Use 1/2 cup of hot water, add a little salt and add 1/2 spoon of turmeric powder to stir. Every day, drink once turmeric powder, drink continuously for 3 days feeling sore throat will be relieved.


Carrots are washed, peeled, squeezed, then put 2-3 spoons of honey in, stir well. Then dilute the mixture with cooled boiled water at a ratio of 1: 1. Use a mixture of gargles daily, every day 3-5 times, 5 minutes / time.


Garlic contains very strong antibiotic allicin, which destroys viruses and bacteria. Patients with chronic pharyngitis when itching irritation throat can suck 1 clove of garlic in about 5-10 minutes will cut the attack and avoid infection.

How to use garlic as medicine to treat other sore throat is pounding garlic, put in small saucepan; add water and honey; Boil into smooth and smooth syrup. Daily drink honey garlic syrup; In a short period of time, chronic strep throat will be repelled.