What is the frozen man more than 50 years waiting to revive now?

The story that seems to be unique to this film is true, in which this man is James Bedford - one of the richest people in the United States in the 1960s. James Bedford is a prominent psychologist American language, because he is a psychologist so he often contemplates the purpose of life as well as death.

In 1967, Bedford had metastatic kidney cancer to the lungs, although actively treated, but the results were not very satisfactory. In the process of treating this evil disease, James Bedford is not afraid of the pain tormenting himself, only fearing that he will not be able to enjoy the things that he has for a long time.

Picture 1 of What is the frozen man more than 50 years waiting to revive now?
 Young James Bedford.

Once, Bedford read the idea in the book  The Prospect of Immortality  by Dr. Robert Ettinger - who is considered the father of the body freezing test , also founder of  Cryonics Institute - specialized unit that provides body freeze services after death. Initially, Bedford did not believe this but after the treatment process failed, he decided to test it.

Robert then took the initiative to find James Bedford, who is an experience enthusiast, Bedford agreed to join and said he would use his own money to pay. Robert even confidently announced that Bedford would 'wake up' in 2017, 50 years later.

On January 12, 1967, Bedford stopped his heart in a nursing home at the age of 73. He was then given cardiopulmonary resuscitation and artificial massage to maintain blood circulation, the amount of blood in the body was then drawn and injected. Dimethyl sulfoxide enters the body to protect internal organs. Finally, they placed Bedford in a tank of liquid nitrogen at minus 196 degrees Celsius.

Picture 2 of What is the frozen man more than 50 years waiting to revive now?
 Bedford is being injected into the body by Robert. (Photo: Amusingplanet).

Bedford's body was taken to a coffin, taken home and then moved to the Cryo-Care freezing center in Phoenix, Arizona. In April 1970, Bedford was taken to Galiso testing equipment manufacturing and repair company, in Southern California. Experiencing many difficulties and challenges, Bedford's body still remained frozen.

In July 1976, the family moved Bedford to another facility, also in California after an insurance company threatened to withdraw. In 1977, because of the rising cost of preserving Bedford's body, his son had to take his father's body home and occasionally liquid nitrogen himself.

In 1982, Mike Darwin, a representative of the Alcor Life Extensions Foundation, a US body-freezing company, persuaded the family to bring Bedford to his facility. This person then used his late life insurance to keep Bedford's body in good condition.

On a single examination on May 25, 1991, the skin on Bedford's neck and torso was discolored, his nose collapsed and two holes appeared on his body. His nose and mouth were bloody, his eyes were half-open and the cornea white of ice. Bedford was then replaced with a 'new shirt', placed in another tank, pumped with liquid nitrogen to continue waiting.

Picture 3 of What is the frozen man more than 50 years waiting to revive now?
Bedford body from old tank to new tank in May 1991.

In 2017, the moment Robert had previously predicted that the billionaire would wake up passed, but the results were not as expected. Bedford's condition has not been judged to be theoretically dead , but it is not considered alive. Because according to many experts' comments, this man died right from the time he entered the testing process. For now, Bedford's frozen body is still in a laboratory at the Alcor Life Extension Foundation.

It is difficult to say exactly whether Bedford can regain consciousness or whether freezing and freezing methods will be one of the stepping stone to help people become immortal in the future. But surely, for many years to come, there will be a lot of controversy as well as unresolved mysteries surrounding this very special medical technology!