What time is best for your health?

The most ideal time for lunch is 11h45, dinner at 7pm. Lunch and breakfast should be 4 hours apart.

The best time to eat for the body

The time to eat is important but many people do not know which time is good. Here are some tips of the Times of India page you can consult.


  1. Eat within 30 minutes after waking up.
  2. The ideal time for breakfast is 7pm.
  3. Do not eat breakfast after 10pm.
  4. Be sure to have protein during breakfast.

Picture 1 of What time is best for your health?
Photo: maggiesmeals.


  1. The ideal time for lunch is 11h45.
  2. Lunch should be about 4-4.5 hours from breakfast.
  3. Do not eat lunch after 4pm.


  1. Dinner at 19h is the best.
  2. Eat 3 hours before sleeping. Sleep quality will be reduced if you eat near bedtime.
  3. No dinner after 10pm.

Snack before sports

  1. Never leave an empty stomach when exercising, especially if you have weight training.
  2. Pre-practice meals can be burgers or fish, egg sandwiches or protein shake mixes.