When does the spider fly?

Do you think only Spider-Man can fly? Just wrong. Notice the cloudy autumn days or spring days, there are many spheres floating in the air - spiders are looking for food and where to park.

Picture 1 of When does the spider fly?

A flying spider.(Photo: thinktag.com, VNE)

This strange movement of spiders is caused by strands of wind being carried away by the wind, carrying a traveling spider. Because the wind is "fuel" and the sun creates a lift, it helps to take off, scientists deduce that the windy, sunny days are most ideal for air flights.

However, a group of mathematicians and biologists at Rothamsted Research Institute, England, calculated that road travel could not take place in many conditions. Computer models show the best weather for flights is the days of cloudy autumn and spring weather.

Although hot summer days create more lift, they lack the wind to push them away. And strong winds in winter can hinder lift that makes flying impossible.

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