Who should not eat crabs or crabs?

Notes when eating seafood

Crabs, crabs are rich in nutritious foods that are popular. Although very nutritious, not everyone should eat this food.

Grilled crab, crab sauce susceptible to lung fluke

According to Mr. Nguyen Duy Thinh (Hanoi University of Science and Technology), crabs, nutritious crabs, provide many minerals and vitamins group B2, B5, B6, B12 Selenium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, magnesium . necessary for the body. .

Picture 1 of Who should not eat crabs or crabs?

Mr. Nguyen Hong Ha - Former Deputy Director of the Central Tropical Hospital once said: live crabs, salads, especially grilled spring crab crabs, live crab crabs are very easy to have lung fluke. If not cooked, it will infect lung fluke larvae . Both the lung fluke larvae and adult lung fluke survive very poorly, but the person or animal that ingests crabs has not yet cooked the larvae into the stomach, intestines and through the wall of the gastrointestinal tract. into the abdomen, then through the diaphragm into the pleura and bronchus.

After 5-6 weeks of eating the parasite larvae, the body will have adult flukes. Because they have less egg production, it is difficult for doctors to detect. Lungs will eat empty lungs, causing lung damage, fever, coughing up blood .

Therefore, limit eating unripe crabs, salads . Crab dishes must be cooked.

Besides liver fluke, tapeworm . is also very susceptible when eating crab crabs (especially copper crabs).

Easy to poison, poisoning

Due to environmental pollution, some delicious crabs and crabs accidentally become 'poison storage'. If crabs and crabs live in areas affected by agricultural farming, they often accumulate pesticides in them. In crab meat in polluted water areas, the scientists found that there are two most common types of dioxin and PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls), which cause skin rashes, immune system decline, neurological disorders, and Liver damage, increase the risk of cancer, even increase the risk of having a baby with birth defects in pregnant women, and affecting the development of young children.

Picture 2 of Who should not eat crabs or crabs?

Easy to allergic

Crabs and crabs are the top seafood cause of allergies, so sensitive people need to be careful, should eat a little, if allergy, hives, itching, hangover, headache, dizziness, difficulty breathing . needing to go to the hospital immediately after lethargy, low blood pressure . can lead to death.

Easy to infect

Eating crabs, dead crabs, or improperly processing 'sticky' bacteria that cause poisoning such as: bacteria of bacteria, comma bacteria . The most dangerous is Listeria monocytogenes - can resist heat, acid and salt resistance and survive, grow in cold environments. The bacteria easily attack weak immune people, the elderly, children, pregnant women . within 3 - 30 days. Pregnant women eating this type of crab are prone to miscarriage, premature birth, premature fetus after birth.

Reduces the effectiveness of the drug

Crab meat is rich in copper and selenium so it will reduce the effectiveness for people who are taking medicine. Because copper can reduce the ability to absorb iron and antibiotics. Selenium increases the side effects of painkillers (tranquilizers) because it slows the elimination of drugs from the body.

If you are taking an anticoagulant, you can increase the drug's properties and increase your risk of congestion.

Picture 3 of Who should not eat crabs or crabs?

Who can't eat?

  1. Pregnant women and lactating women should not limit their intake of crabs or crabs, but should only eat 1-2 times per week, each time under 100g.
  2. People with diabetes, kidney disease, high blood pressure should not eat too many crabs and crabs (because 100g of crab meat has 691mg of sodium, which meets 29% of the body's daily requirement). High sodium content will make the disease worse.
  3. People with gout, arthritis (due to an increase in uric acid in the blood and deposits of purines in the joints) eating a lot of crabs and crabs will cause pain.
  4. People with allergies should only eat crabs and crabs at least. If after a few minutes to a few hours after having a rash, itching, hangover, facial edema, abdominal cramps, burning in the epigastric region, diarrhea, shortness of breath . should go to the hospital urgently, lest harm for life.
  5. People who are coughing or suffering from asthma should not eat seafood, and crab meat should be avoided too. You should monitor those who have this disease to see if you are allergic to any food, when you eat any food, you have asthma attacks to prevent and isolate.

Picture 4 of Who should not eat crabs or crabs?

How to process and preserve?

Choose delicious crabs

Should buy crabs and crabs with prestige, clear origin. Crab, delicious crabs are alive, enough legs, I'm sure. Hard to see is an old, meaty crab.

It is not recommended to buy cheap crabs, crabs, bad smell, fishy. It is also not advisable to choose crabs, soft and soft crabs, which are newly peeled crabs (large, heavy but watery and low in meat).

Crabs and crabs are already bought, need to be kept in cages, cool boxes, avoid sunlight. Do not let crabs submerge in water because crabs are easy to die. Put water on the towel, or newspaper to keep the crab moist (help the crab live 4-8 hours after it is removed from the water).

Picture 5 of Who should not eat crabs or crabs?

Processing and using crabs and crabs

  1. Boiled crab from 20-30 minutes is edible. Ripe crabs will gradually float up, leave the crabs in the pot for 2-3 minutes, then remove them, rinse with cool boiled water, then eat.
  2. Some people like to give some white wine, or crab rice vinegar to kill germs before eating.
  3. Need to remove crab bibs, crabs, bags, stomachs of crabs (located right behind the crab's mouth), and pancreas liver glands (yellow fluid in the middle of the crab's body) because they contain many parasites and bacteria - also the most toxic accumulation site.
  4. Dead crabs should be processed immediately to prevent bacteria from entering (because crab shells contain many bacteria, fast protein resolution should produce more toxins).
  5. Crab, cooked crabs should be put into clean, tightly-sealed plastic bags, to prevent freezer storage of crab meat for 2 - 5 days. But crabs and crabs can produce many acidic roots, affecting health so don't store too long in the refrigerator .
  6. With crab hotpot, crab, after washing, remove the apricot, remove the bib and dirty mud inside the crab, and then cut the crab into two.
  7. The cooking process, crabs, crabs will secrete fresh water to make the soup very juicy, not to eat.

Picture 6 of Who should not eat crabs or crabs?

Should not

  1. Do not take advantage of crab boiled water to cook because there are many harmful substances from the crab meat.
  2. Do not eat crab salad, or crab is not cooked.
  3. Fruit should not be eaten immediately after eating crabs, because protein and calcium will be greatly reduced. The chemicals of fruits are easy to combine with calcium to form indigestion, causing abdominal pain, nausea .
  4. Fruit should only be eaten after eating crabs for 2 hours.
  5. When eating crabs, you should not drink beer, because it will increase.
  6. Do not drink tea immediately after eating crab crabs because tea leaves are easy to combine with calcium in crab crab into calcium soluble.
  7. Only drink tea after eating seafood for 2 hours.