Why did Qin Shihuang rule for 37 years but still did not set up the queen?

Empress and prince are a big deal in the feudal era in China. This is also considered an important part of the political apparatus of a king. Since the Warring States period, the post-establishment has changed and is clearly defined.

After the emperor is angry, his first wife will be established as queen. The mother will be the queen. But perhaps in Chinese feudal history, only Qin Shihuang did not set up a queen. When excavating the tomb, there is only the tomb of Qin Shihuang, not the tomb of the queen. This is a difficult historical secret.

During his whole life, Qin Shihuang did not set up a queen, he was also the only emperor who did not set up a queen since the post-establishment regime was established, so in the tomb area Qin Shihuang had no grave of Queen, this is an inexplicable puzzle of history.

According to historical documents, from the time of the emperor's arrival at the age of 13 until the age of 22, during these 9 years was the time when ancient men had to get married, but Qin Shihuang never set up a queen. .

Picture 1 of Why did Qin Shihuang rule for 37 years but still did not set up the queen?
Sketch picture of Qin Shihuang.

Seventeen years since Qin Shihuang's approval until he was 39 years old was the time when he took power and unified the six countries, even though he was a nationalist, the post-marriage was not so laborious, but He still did not set up a queen.

From the age of 39 until he was 50 years old, Qin Shihuang often went on a patrol, but the 'mock-up' was obviously not going to cost much of his time. And although the Qin Dynasty was a short-lived dynasty, Qin Shihuang had enough time to create a post.

Explaining his cause is not behind?

Some people think that the family factor has affected him. According to the History - The Unexpected Story: Intimate Qin Shihuang, who was the concubine of La Immortal, for the political purpose of Immortal Laotian offered Zhao Co at that time carrying the X-Man (ie Qin Trang Xiang Wang ). After Qin Qin Xiang Wang died, she was close to the queen but still passed through with the Immortal.

The greater the frequency of Qin Shihuang, the more liberal and lecherous the queen. Later she was able to communicate with Lao Ai - a fake man who acted as an eunuch to serve as a dowager, and gave birth to two children with him.

The act of losing all the virtues of the mother body has made Shuang Shihuang ashamed, indignant, resentful being suppressed in his heart, forming an extremely complex personality in his being.

Because of this, he became a rational, ruthless tyrant, eventually exploding violently, killing two other half-sisters, chasing his mother from Ham Duong, and venting his anger on Lu Vi Vi's head, the beach. exempted from his position as a general, then issued an order for the Immortal 'Immediately to Shu land, without delay'. The result makes La Vi Vi afraid to be killed and must take poison to kill himself.

Later, although Emperor Qin Shihuang regretted his behavior, until death still did not allow the queen to return to Xianyang.

This shows that she caused the psychological damage he suffered. Because of his resentment towards her, he hated all women, persisting in marriage.

Even though the harem is full of six women and girls, he only considers them to be the subject of all the hatred of women, or a tool to satisfy physiological needs.

It is the behavior of the mother that hinders his psychology, this is also one of the important reasons that kept him from setting up the queen forever.