Why do men not die before women?

The gap in life expectancy between men and women has been shortened and by 2030 this gap will disappear, the UK National Statistics Office said.

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Prof. Les Mayhew, a statistician at the British Cass Business School, said that the average maximum life of two sexes in the 1970s was nearly 60 years old. Both sexes' lifespans have increased in recent years but the speed of men is faster. So what reasons can lead to this change?


The results of GS Les Mayhew's research are based on the health data of people in their 30s in England and Wale, showing that the life expectancy of men is much lower than women in previous decades but in the last few years, about This way has been dramatically shortened. If this trend continues, both sexes will have an average life expectancy of about 87 years in 2023.

Reducing smoking in men is considered the main reason for this positive change. While the rate of lung cancer caused by cigarettes in men is declining sharply, women increase rapidly even when they start smoking after men.

"The life of a man in his thirties has made a significant leap in just six years, and in about 20 years they will live as long as women ," Professor Mayhew said.

In the 1920s, up to 80% of men smoke. This reflects the difference in life expectancy of the sexes very clearly. The peak of this differentiation was in 1970, the female lived 5.7 years longer than the male.

Picture 1 of Why do men not die before women?
The chart shows the distance of life
Men and women will disappear in 2030 (Photo: BBC)


According to Professor David Leon working at London University of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the life expectancy gap between men and women in many countries around the world has really shortened in that in sub-Saharan African countries due to diseases Common infection is not 'cocoon' male or female.

In some European countries before, 'the life expectancy of women and men is significantly different due to many diseases caused by unhealthy lifestyles' . In 1990, the distance between men and women in Russia was up to 13 years, much larger than other countries.

However, thanks to the remarkable progress of medical, technology and health care services, many dangerous infectious diseases and heart disease, more common diseases in men have been repelled. living longer than a few decades ago. Typically the United Kingdom, where the difference in life expectancy has narrowed significantly, Professor David Leon said.


In the past decades, millions of men often have to take on harmful jobs that affect health like mining. Today's office work helps them avoid many diseases that affect life expectancy.

Reference: BBC