Why do mothers reduce memory after childbirth?

After birth, most mothers complain about their memory loss. Sometimes they think the reason is too busy. However, according to a recent study published in the journal Neuroscience, the syndrome is real.

Accordingly, in a study that ended in December 2016, the famous Spanish neuroscientists analyzed brain scans of 25 women before their first and two-month pregnancy. after their first child was born.

Picture 1 of Why do mothers reduce memory after childbirth?
Most mothers have reduced postnatal memory.(Illustration).

In comparison, neuroscientists have found that mothers' mothers after giving birth have lost some of the gray matter or cells in the brain that help process information.

In fact, the amount of gray matter is lost or the change in the structure of mothers after giving birth is quite significant. These scientists were able to recognize which image was the brain of the person who had given birth or who had never been pregnant.

The loss of gray matter may sound terrible, but neuroscientists who do this study think mothers should not be too worried. Dr. Elseline Hoekzema, a neuroscientist at the University of Leiden Netherlands, said that in childhood, people also lost some gray matter and that was necessary for normal cognitive development. and emotional.

Dr. Hoekzema said that pregnancy and motherhood can be considered a kind of second stage in the maturation process of the brain. At that time, the mother will become closer to her, more sensitive to her needs. This change may last for at least two years after birth, probably to help mothers take better care of their children during this time.

Scientists predict that the direct cause of a mother's brain to lose some gray matter is the pregnancy hormone (estrogen and progesterone) or hormonal decline after birth.

With the above difficulties, mothers need the attention, understanding and sympathy of their relatives.