Why do so many people die soon after divorce?

New research shows changes in habits after divorce can lead to premature death in some people, according to ANI news agency.

Experts from the University of Arizona (USA) noted divorce is linked to a series of bad health consequences, including an increased risk of premature death.

In order to understand the problem, expert Kyle Bourassa and colleagues examined the data of the UK's Long-term Study on Aging, which focuses on people over 50 years old. The study included 7 series of data collected from subjects every 2 years starting in 2002, according to ANI news agency.

Picture 1 of Why do so many people die soon after divorce?
Divorced people no longer have partners to force them to be responsible for their health behaviors.

The team analyzed data of 5,786 subjects, including 926 who were divorced or separated and did not remarry, and the rest were married. They looked at their self-reported information about satisfaction with life, frequency of exercise and smoking status, as well as measurements of lung function and inflammation levels of subjects.

They also track those who died during the study and found that those who were divorced or separated had a 46% higher risk of death during the study than those who remained in marriage.

Explaining the reason, the experts found that the subjects of divorce or separation, especially women, had lower satisfaction with life than those who married. In turn, satisfaction with life declined, leading to lower levels of physical activity, which is associated with an increased risk of premature death, according to ANI news agency.

Divorced people are also more likely to get into smoking than married people, and consequently have poorer lung function, which also predicts premature death. Researchers have also looked at factors such as gender, self-declared health, age and socio-economic status.

'While the study does not clearly consider why divorce appears to be associated with increased smoking risk and reduced physical activity, a possible reason is that divorce is no longer available. having a partner forced them to be responsible for their health behaviors, ' said Bourassa.