Why is it that almost only men own 'beer belly'?

Why is it that almost only men have the phenomenon of 'beer belly'? And is beer the culprit creating this kind of abnormally big belly?

'Beer belly' is a common term for men who possess an unusually large belly, often drinking a lot of alcohol.

However, there is the fact that many exemplary men who drink very little or even drink beer also have this characteristic 'oversized' belly! So actually beer is the only culprit that makes men more prone to belly fat than the other half of the world.

The answer is 'no' ! The key issue here is gender specific or more specifically Hormone . It can be seen that each of us possesses a very specific body shape such as: apple, hourglass, oval, inverted triangle and this relates to the location that each individual stores. body fat, which is regulated by genes and hormones.

Picture 1 of Why is it that almost only men own 'beer belly'?

Most male bodies choose the abdomen as a place to store fat.

Speaking of fat, which many overweight people want to remove from this body is a type of fat derived from preadipocytes . The main role of adipose tissue is the energy storage of the body in the form of lipids. This reserve will be used in case energy consumption exceeds supply from food. In addition, adipose tissue is also a layer of body insulation and hormonal stimulation .

In women, common fat storage points are the thighs, arms and the back of the body. In the meantime , most of the male body selects the abdomen as a place to store this fat and this is the "culprit" that causes the beer belly.

More remarkably, most of the fat stored in the men's abdomen is visceral fat , hidden deep inside the abdominal cavity. When this fat, because of some cause such as drinking beer, unhealthy diet or hormonal disorders, being increased they tend to proliferate the inside of the abdominal wall and force the abdominal muscles out. In addition, create a characteristic "beer belly" of men.

And whether the cause of the 'beer belly' comes from beer or some other reason, this is also a bad signal to your health condition! Because, beer belly shows that the amount of visceral fat has exceeded the threshold and encapsulated around the kidney, liver, intestine . At this time, the fat tissue will release hormones causing dysfunction of internal organs. More severely, suffering will face diseases like Type 2 diabetes, heart attack, fatty liver or even cancer.

  • Thin people with beer belly have a higher risk of death than obese, overweight people
  • The great grief of beer
Update 08 July 2019



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