Why she gullible than men?

It is easy to trust people other than men because they have not had to fight to survive for a long time.

Picture 1 of Why she gullible than men?

Artwork: veer.com.

Trustworthy individuals who often face the risk of being deceived in social relationships. Throughout the centuries, the scientific community has always wanted to find answers to the question: Why do women appear to be more trustworthy than men?

Livescience said, Jack van Honk - a psychologist of Cape Town University, South Africa - and colleagues invited 24 women with an average age of 20 to take part in a trial. The team asked volunteers to view photos of 150 strangers and then assessed the level of trust of each person in the image on a scale of -100 (completely unreliable) to 100 (absolute trust).

Based on the results, psychologists separated 12 volunteers who were more likely to trust people into one group, and the other 12 women formed another group. Three days after the test was repeated a second time, but this time psychologists put testosterone - a kind of male sex hormone - into the body of 12 volunteers who easily trusted people before asking them to assess 150 molds. face. The remaining 12 volunteers only received placebo (but they didn't know it).

The results showed that the second group received testosterone became more cautious than the first. Specifically, the average score they spent on faces decreased by 10% for the second time.

In contrast, the results of women taking placebo were unchanged.

Volunteers' mood and testosterone levels in their bodies do not affect the results of a stranger face assessment.

Although testosterone is often called the main sexual hormone in men, it also exists in the female body with low levels.

In an article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the team concluded that testosterone increases alertness for strangers in women. Thus, low testosterone levels make them easier to trust.

"When people start having the concept of helping others, we also develop the ability to deceive each other. Therefore, individuals who easily believe the words of others or cannot detect the true motive behind those the actions of strangers always face countless risks, " Van Honk said.

Van Honk said in the early stages of humanity, women tend to work together to find food, while men must develop the ability to fight for hunting, territorial protection and competition. together. Therefore, testosterone levels in men are increasing so that they are getting bigger, healthier and more reckless - the factors that make good warriors. But also because there is a lot of testosterone, men often feel danger lurking around them, even from strangers. On the contrary, due to less fighting than men, women are less alert.