Why should not drink water after eating spicy food?

Eating chili can make you feel hot in your mouth. The American Chemical Society (ACS) has scientifically explained the nature of this phenomenon in videos posted on YouTube and also said drinking water is one of the worst to reduce that burning sensation. .

How to reduce heat when eating spicy

Chemicals cause a burning sensation when you eat spicy foods such as peppers called capsaicin . This is a substance that produces spicy taste in spicy foods like chili. This substance binds to the pain sensory receptors in the mouth, causing reactions such as lacrimation or runny nose.

Picture 1 of Why should not drink water after eating spicy food?
Drinking water to reduce burning sensation after eating spicy is a mistake.

ACS video explains that capsaicin is non-polar and only soluble in non-polar substances, so drinking milk containing non-polar substances will reduce the burning sensation after eating spicy substances. Perhaps this is the reason for the spicy Thai and Indian dishes that often offer a lot of dairy products.

Meanwhile, water is a polarizer , does not dissolve capsaicin, so it will spread this substance to the mouth and make the burning sensation worse. Therefore, if you want to reduce heat when eating spicy, drink some milk, not drink water.