One way to lose weight: Drink water before eating

One study found that middle-aged and old people drink two cups of water before eating, the calorie consumption will be less and lose more weight than those who do not drink water.

Picture 1 of One way to lose weight: Drink water before eating
Drinking water before eating can help you lose weight. (Photo: Internet).

The researchers divided the participants into two groups, both male and female, overweight and obese men between the ages of 55 and 60: one group only followed a low-fat, low-calorie diet (group 1). ), a group also ate with the menu but drank 2 more glasses of water before chilling meals, lunch and dinner.

After 12 weeks of taking part in the experiment, those who drank water before eating (in group 2) lost 15.5 pounds (about 6.8 kg), while those who did not drink water (in group 1) reduced only 11 pound (about 5.0 kg), meaning a difference of 30%.

They also found that drinking water before eating had reduced the amount of calories that people in the second group consumed at each meal from 75 to 90 calories.

However, scientists are not sure if group 2 people are compensated by eating more at other times of the day. Brenda Davy, associate professor of the Department of Nutrition, Food and Fitness at Virginia Technical School asked, but it is not.

Picture 2 of One way to lose weight: Drink water before eating

He said: " Drinking more water is a very simple way to lose weight and apply a low-calorie diet. We do not think that drinking water causes fat to dissolve, but it really helps in weight loss and real application. Low calorie menu '.

One of the problems that often annoys dieters is that it is difficult to prevent weight gain again, so scientists continue to monitor body weight after 12 weeks of experimentation. A year later, the initial data showed that if you continue to drink water before eating, you will not only maintain your weight but also reduce your weight further - an average of 1.5 pounds (O, 7 kg).

Davy reminded: However, this measure only works if you are middle-aged. Previous studies have shown that between the ages of 18 and 35, drinking water before eating does not make them receive less calories in their meals.

Davy explains: In older people it takes more time to make the stomach empty. Water makes them feel fuller (or less hungry), while in babies, the water drains out of the stomach almost immediately.

Barry Popkin, director of the Center for Nutrition and Obesity Research at the University of North Carolina, said the finding was " promising ". His research also demonstrates that people who drink less white water than sugary drinks will eat less vegetables and generally consume less calories each day.

Picture 3 of One way to lose weight: Drink water before eating
Sugars are also responsible for obesity. (Internet photo)

He added: One of the culprits of the American obesity epidemic today is that they consume more than 30 years ago about 300 calories a day from sugary drinks, from soda, fruit wine, water. fruit juices, energy drinks . Drinking those countries before meals, you'll eat less because they already contain calories.

In summary, the studies were unanimous: drinking white water rather than industrial soft drinks before meals is a measure to keep (sometimes reduce) body weight for middle-aged people. But creating a new habit - a habit that is only beneficial and completely harmless - also requires time and energy.