Regular exercise, regular knowledge, no smoking and active participation in social activities are factors that help you maintain a sharp thinking ability throughout life.

After a night of sleep, the body drains out the amount of water the previous day, so it should be added the next morning to promote blood circulation, filter waste.

Do you know how to drink water? Is the water you drink safe? What kind of water should you drink? ... When you answer, it means that the water becomes a good friend of the body.

Drinking water, adding salt and minerals, choosing cool clothes, temperature balance helps the body reduce heat under the impact of the environment, avoiding summer diseases.

You may not know, drinking warm water regularly every day helps you lose weight, detox, prevent aging, prevent constipation ... Here are the unexpected benefits of drinking warm

To be completely awake after lunch break and quickly focus on your afternoon work, choose the following types of water.

After long flights, many people fall into Jet Lag syndrome (time difference syndrome due to long distance flight, from one place to another).

If your mind is stagnant, then a glass of water may be the best solution. Because drinking water can make the mind more flexible, according to research by British scientists.

American scientists discovered, to have cleaner and safer drinking water, we need to add the following

MedDaily magazine leads the conclusion of American physiologists, said a very popular recommendation so far that every person who needs to drink 2.5 liters of water a day is too