Habits help the brain to clear up
Regular exercise, regular knowledge, no smoking and active participation in social activities are factors that help you maintain a sharp thinking ability throughout life.
Small habits help you be more alert

Photo: Inmagine.com
Some previous studies have shown that genes can determine whether people have dementia . But scientists at the University of California (USA) claim that we can find many ways for the brain to stay in the best state. They tested the cognitive abilities of 2,500 people aged 70-79 over the past 8 years.
Brain function of more than half of the study subjects declined due to old age, 16% suffered a significant decline in memory and thinking ability during the study period. But it is worth noting that 30% of participants still maintained stable mental activity.
Then scientists learn what factors make the difference. The results show that practicing sports, learning, smoking habits and social activities play a key role. The team found that people with moderate to higher levels of exercise at least once a week had a 30% higher chance of maintaining a clear mind than those who did not practice or practice infrequently.
Those who go to high school or above have the ability to maintain cognitive ability at levels 3 times higher than those with lower education. The difference increases if the highly educated person continuously cultivates knowledge (such as exploring new areas, learning foreign languages).
Smoking habits also reduce our ability to perceive, because non-smokers are twice as likely to think twice than older drug addicts. Some social activities are also good for the brain. The research team found that individuals who like to participate in social activities have the ability to maintain sharp thinking 24% higher than others.
" Finding out the factors associated with cognitive retention can help people find effective strategies in an effort to prevent memory decline. We can change some. factors, such as exercise and smoking , " Alexandra Fiocco, lead researcher, said.
Many previous studies have also demonstrated that, when people practice, our bodies secrete some growth factors . These growth factors increase the ability of neurons to function.
Exercise is a natural way to strengthen your brain and even create new neurons in your brain. Regular exercise also prevents cognitive decline and helps you avoid mental health problems.
Studies show that dancing and dancing improve your brain function. Meanwhile, yoga not only improves your mood and ability to concentrate, it also enhances your awareness and prevents cognitive decline.
Besides, the following small habits also help the brain develop better functions, prevent cognitive decline.
Most of us tend to think that drawings like 1 work only for children, but it is actually quite useful for adults. Painting stimulates your right hemisphere and enhances your creativity.
Drink fish oil
Fish oil contains many of your meningeal building ingredients. Drinking it regularly helps improve concentration, enhances the emotional center of the brain and increases your overall brain function.
Eat nuts
Studies have shown that eating nuts improves brain function so much that students who eat them right before the exam will do much better than those who don't.
Deep breath
Go out for 10-15 minutes a day to sit and breathe deeply, increasing the amount of oxygen to the brain.
Avoid snacking
Fast food reduces your energy and makes your mind ambiguous. To improve brain function, stay away from junk food and start eating healthy meals instead.
Debating makes you think fast and smart, think about different situations. Get into a mental argument or argue once in a while to get your juices flowing.
Listen to music
Studies have shown that people who listen to music are often smarter and more positive than those who don't. This is because music stimulates your right hemisphere and even changes its structure.
In particular, listening to Western classical music can improve mathematical ability, stimulate your left hemisphere. In fact, studies have shown that listening to Mozart can improve 80% of intellect.
Change your habits
When you have difficulty in the same routine, your brain becomes dull and unimaginative. To stimulate it, try to change your routine like finding different ways to work or try to have a new meal.
Think positive, avoid stress
Studies have shown that people with positive thoughts have better brain power than those with negative thoughts. Take some time each day to think positive and set goals for yourself, since setting goals also activates a part of your brain that is also involved with positive thinking.
While you can't avoid stress altogether, try to keep stress levels from being too high, because cortisol - stress hormones interfere with brain function and kill your brain cells.
Sleeping enough
Sleeping improves your memory, not getting enough sleep can make you forget and slow.
Laugh often, cry
Laughter not only stimulates the release of endorphins, it also reduces stress and reduces pain, helping your brain work much better.
Besides, crying also increases brain function because it helps blood circulation to your brain better. It releases emotions and helps the brain to be alert.
Solve crossword puzzles
Crossword puzzles enhance your thinking skills and the ability to recall memories. They work perfectly to stimulate the brain. You can play crosswords or solve puzzles that have the same effect.
Read books, learn a new language
Reading books teaches your brain to absorb a lot of information at the same time, while also improving your memory, critical thinking skills and vocabulary.
Besides, learning a new language also helps stimulate your brain to think and think.
Avoid taking many drugs
Drugs interfere with your brain function and destroy your brain cells. In fact, different drugs have different effects, including from brain bleeding and nerve growth impaired brain cells.
Don't watch TV too much
Watching TV for a while is pretty good but avoiding watching too much will make your brain uncomfortable, slowing down brain waves and making brain function worse.
Make a question
Make a habit of asking questions about things you don't understand and asking others about their thoughts on a particular issue. This will put you in different ideas and thought processes, stimulating your own thoughts.
Drink water
If your body is dehydrated, your brain cannot function well. Studies have shown that people who regularly drink fruit and vegetable juices are less likely to suffer from Alzheimer's disease - one of the most common dementia than others.
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