Drinking too much water causes swelling of the brain, causing death

MedDaily magazine leads the conclusion of American physiologists, said a very popular recommendation so far that every person who needs to drink 2.5 liters of water a day is too much and not beneficial to the human body .

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Experts say that drinking 2.5 liters of water every day is applied to adults but does not include the amount of water in daily food, especially vegetables and fruits.

Picture 1 of Drinking too much water causes swelling of the brain, causing death
The excess water will harm the body, even leading to death.

According to experts, if drinking too much water can reduce the amount of sodium in the body (ie, reduce the amount of salt), is an early symptom of water poisoning. When the body does not have enough sodium, drinking more water can make the fluid rise in the brain, lungs and heart causing cerebral edema, or swelling of the brain. The swelling of the brain stops the vital function of the body and can lead to death on the spot.

On his side, the private doctor in Glasgow city Margaret McCartney insists that encouraging people to drink 2.5 liters of water a day is unfounded. The doctor said there is no definitive evidence to prove a national-level health authority. He recommends drinking about 6-8 cups of water a day.

McCartney said that companies that produce bottled drinking water that want to sell their products have woven myths about drinking a lot of water.