Drinking lots of fresh water can change the brain

Australian scientists found that drinking soft drinks could alter proteins in the brain.

The Telegraph reported that researchers from Macquarie University (Australia) have studied mice with added sugar in their diet.

Picture 1 of Drinking lots of fresh water can change the brain
Photo: Kenh14.vn

As a result, this diet alters 285 different types of proteins in the brain, many of which are responsible for restoring DNA and carbohydrate metabolism.

'Our research shows that drinking sweetened water with sugar instead of filtered water for long periods of time can cause lasting changes in behavior and significant changes in the brain . If you are thirsty, drink water. Fresh water should only be consumed at a moderate level, ' said lead researcher Jane Franklin.

Dr Zumin Shi of the University of Adelaide (Australia) added: "Freshwater is also linked to many health problems, including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, asthma and problems. mental health'.