14 reasons for you to drink lots of water

Over 70% of an adult's weight is water. Our bodies cannot function without water: death thirst is much faster than starvation. Water is more important than food. Those are the main reasons why we drink a lot of water.

Picture 1 of 14 reasons for you to drink lots of water

A 68 kg person has up to 40 liters of water in his body. 23-26% of water is in cells, 7.5% in the space between cells and 4 liters of water in the blood. This volume of water is constant. Food due to inadequate moisture because we calculate an average of 2 liters of water a day to compensate for the loss of water due to being excreted through urine, sweat (even below 0 degrees, they we are still sweating), feces and breathing.

Water is never enough: you will have to give your body the ability to eliminate water by drinking about 7.5 liters of water in 24 hours.

There are 14 reasons why you have to drink enough water daily:

1. Lack of water affects the functioning of the body: Especially the digestion and excretion process. The body temperature will not be maintained regularly if the water in the body is below the normal level. Water balance is related to the electrolyte level of fluids (eg the rate of mineral salts in the blood, for example). The sodium content in the blood 'tells' tells us the level of water in the body is insufficient or sufficient. When there is too much sodium in the blood, the body will retain water to dilute excess sodium so that less urine is produced to eliminate unnecessary body material.

2. Thirst: A feeling that appears on the brain's nucleus and is easily 'hidden', so the body, even without water, does not make us thirsty. Sometimes lack of water and still not thirsty. When you are thirsty, it means serious water shortage.

3. Diet: Dieting is eating less so also putting less water into the body. You have to make up the water by drinking an equal amount of water.

4. Body temperature: Hot summer, the body regulates body temperature by sweating. So in the summer, you have to drink more water. When exercising or heavy labor, body temperature also increases, excessive sweating must also drink more water.

5. Kidney: Frequently drinking water shortages can cause kidney stones and can cause urinary tract infections. The more kidney water you drink, the better.

6. Skin: Lack of water causes aging of the skin. Sufficient water, smooth skin, not wrinkled. Water makes the skin shiny and contributes to removing toxins from the body (through the skin).

7. Toxic substances: Water promotes metabolic reactions. The more often protidated diets need to drink more water, because protein metabolites can be toxic to the body and are susceptible to microorganisms excluded under conditions of high water (because of kidney and sweat glands work more actively)

8. Diuresis (Diuresis): Drinking water accelerates the elimination of liquids and oral medicines from the body.

9. For the elderly: Elderly people feel thirsty less sensitive, especially when they are distracted and have a habit or go to the prize. Their kidneys lose more water so taking care of the elderly should take care of this and maintain it every 2 hours for them to drink water once.

10. Weight loss: Water does not contain calories. Drink water before eating, which reduces the feeling of your stomach being empty, which means hunger. Do not drink water after eating. It will dilute the digested food in the stomach, making the seepage through the intestinal mucosa faster and the feeling of hunger will return sooner. Will eat more and . fat.

11. When vomiting: You probably don't notice vomiting causing a large loss of water and electrolytes. Having diarrhea and high fever (profuse sweating) also lost a large amount of sodium and potassium, which is important in the electrolyte balance. When vomiting and diarrhea can take up to 4 liters of water, it is necessary to take away the salt. Need to drink isotonic solution or alkaline solution.

12. People with diabetes: The only symptom of people with diabetes is fake hunger and many antidotes. The disease can come slowly or mutually at any age and results in a lack of antidiuretic hormone, preventing excessive urine production. A person may have a very large amount (4 to 30 liters) of water to compensate for the loss of water.

13. Coffee and tea: Coffee and tea are mild diuretics, which promote urinary secretion, but at the same time, take away calcium and electrolytes (along with urine). Coffee also increases water loss through feces because it acts as a laxative.

14. Beer: You want refreshment (supplementing with beer). Where not. Doing so only loses more water. Beer is not only a diuretic. After drinking 1 beer, three cups of water must be refreshed to provide enough water for the body because of the effects of the remaining diuretic. Wine is even worse.