9 best fruits and vegetables to mix with water

We all know that to be healthy we have to drink enough water every day. Drinking water helps skin smooth, not dry and avoid acne. But sometimes it's hard to drink 8 glasses of water a day.

So you will want to know more ways to increase the flavor of your daily cool glass. The good news is that there are some vegetables and fruits that you can mix with water to make the beaker of water more delicious. Here are the 9 best vegetables and fruits you can put in water to make sure you drink enough water every day.

1. Pomelo

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Have you ever tried adding pomelos to water? Not everyone knows that grapefruit makes drinking water more delicious.

If you are trying to lose weight, you should try mixing grapefruit with filtered water, because grapefruit has low calorie and high acidity. That means you can comfortably enjoy the taste of grapefruit without worrying about calories.

In addition, grapefruit has many nutrients such as lycopene, beta carotene, vitamins A, C and antioxidants.

2. Grapes

Grapes rich in antioxidants protect health like flavonoids and resveratrol.

You should freeze grapes into small stones and put them in water. This way the taste of the grape will become more prominent and you can enjoy a cup of grape juice with less calories.

3. Lemon

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Although lemon is not as popular as lemon, it is also a very good fruit for mixing water. Citrus fruit has a low calorie intake and drinking lemon lemon juice can even help you lose weight.

Add a few slices of lemon to a glass of water and enjoy the refreshing feeling it brings without worrying about sugar and calories.

Moreover, drinking lemon juice also boosts the immune system.

4. Strawberry

Strawberries will turn the cup of tasteless water into a sweet and sweet taste that will bring a refreshing feeling. If you like to use strawberries in desserts, smoothies, salads and yogurt, you will definitely like to add this fruit to drinking water.

Strawberries are 'super healthy' fruits . It helps prevent heart disease, diabetes, constipation, hair loss, memory improvement, and can even fight cancer.

Because strawberries are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, they also help slow down the aging process and keep the skin smooth, avoiding wrinkles.

5. Raspberry

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Raspberries rich in fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and countless health benefits. This berries help reduce cholesterol and prevent heart disease.

The good news is that you can use frozen raspberries without fresh fruit.

Add some raspberry to the water and you can enjoy a healthy drink at any time.

6. Cucumber

Cucumbers are rich in water and they contain B vitamins and anti-cancer ingredients like caffeic acid, lutein, and fisetin.

Perhaps you have never thought of adding any vegetables to drinking water, but there are a few vegetables that can improve the taste of water and cucumber is one of them. Add a few slices of cucumber and you will have a cool drink.

Cut cucumbers into slices as thin as possible.

7. Lemon

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One of the most popular fruits for mixing water is lemon.

Lemon can increase the flavor for a normal glass of water. It will give you a lemon flavor and you can even combine lemon and lemon with lemon and give it a unique flavor.

Give some lemon slices or squeeze a little lemon juice into the water, it's simple, healthy and delicious.

8. Mint

Although peppermint is actually a medicine, it is still great when given and water. Give a few fragrant mint leaves to the cup of water and enjoy the fresh flavor that it brings.

Put a cup of water in the fridge for a few minutes and you have a cool drink and low calories for a hot summer day.

9. Cam

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Orange will increase the flavor of a bland water cup and make it more delicious. In fact, oranges are similar to grapefruit but have a sweet taste.

If you like orange juice but want to lose weight, add a few slices of orange to a glass of water and you'll feel like you're drinking orange juice.

Oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C and it can help boost the immune system.