Wine helps reduce the risk of depression

Two glasses of wine a day will help reduce the risk of developing depression, according to a new study.

Drinking a lot of alcohol is often harmful to health and leads to severe mental problems. However, moderate drinking, 2 glasses of wine a day will reduce the risk of developing depression.

Picture 1 of Wine helps reduce the risk of depression
Wine is healthy for moderate use.(Photo: natmonitor)

According to Nature World News, University of Navarra, Spain, this study was conducted on people who regularly drank alcohol between the ages of 55 and 80. During the medical examination, the research team discovered people who drank from 2 to 7 glasses of small wine a day are less likely to be depressed.

The relationship between moderate wine consumption and depression depends on many other factors such as lifestyle, age and marriage. Professor Miguel A. Martínez-González, the lead author of the study, said moderate amounts of alcohol could protect the body from the mechanisms of depression and coronary heart disease.

Previously, another study also showed that resveratrol in wine has the potential to limit the risk of death and reduce the risk of falls in the elderly.