Young people are drunk, old and prone to stroke

According to a recent study by American scientists, people who drink alcohol from a young age have a higher risk of heart disease and stroke when they get older.

Excessive alcohol consumption rates in the US and some countries are alarming. This is an extremely dangerous sign for the younger generation in many countries.

According to a new study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association recently, an average student in this country is consuming 6-7 cups of alcoholic beverages in each drink, exceeding the standard of 5 and 4 cups. for men and women.

Picture 1 of Young people are drunk, old and prone to stroke
On average, an American student is consuming 6-7 cups of alcoholic beverages during each drink.

To find out how much drinking affects the heart health later, American scientists studied the responses of 4,710 adults aged 18-45 to participate in a nutrition and health survey. of the US in the period of 2011-2012 and 2013-2014. The answer group divided into three categories: people who did not drink, who drank drunk 12 times or less within 1 year and who often drank to drink more than 12 times a year.

Among the participants, about 25% of men and just over 11% of women are often drunk.

The results showed that those who drank regularly had high systolic blood pressure, which led to a higher risk of heart disease and stroke even when young and old. They are also prone to high blood pressure, blood cholesterol levels are higher than those who drink less alcohol.

The team also investigated how alcohol affects young men and women differently. Surprisingly, the group found that men with drunken habits were more likely to have hypertension and cholesterol than those who drank just enough or less. Meanwhile, women reported higher blood sugar levels than men.

Mariann Piano, co-author of the study and head of the research department at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing warned that young people should consider the risks of drinking alcohol more than the body's tolerance. Not only harming the health but also reducing the effectiveness of learning, increasing the risk of accidents due to not being able to control yourself.

Picture 2 of Young people are drunk, old and prone to stroke
People with blood pressure above average before age 45 are associated with a risk of death from heart disease later.

Sharing with Newsweek, Piano stated that drinking too much is one of the biggest dangers for young people. This is an unhealthy behavior and needs to change soon.

Piano added: "Lifestyle interventions are needed to reduce the risk of hypertension and prevent cardiovascular disease when aging. Young people need to be screened and counseled about alcohol abuse. They need understand how drinking alcohol can affect your heart health. "

The study of American scientists is the latest warning about unhealthy lifestyles of a part of the world's youth today. Drinking drunk or drinking alcohol all day can be a delight that young people love. Unfortunately, few people have thought about the consequences they suffer when they get old.

Last month, researchers from Bristol, UK showed that overweight among young people will increase the risk of changing the shape of the heart and affect the function of many organs in the body.