Zebra mink people speak?

Swiss scientists have discovered that the weasel can speak "human language".

Experts from the University of Zurich, Switzerland, conducted a study on how to talk to the weasel species and came to the conclusion that the animal used monophonic sounds from vowel and consonant combinations. to communicate.

Previously, scientists thought that due to the special structure of the jaw, the number of sounds that animals can pronounce is very small. The 'language' of these animals is also rich. For example, birds and whales use different repetitions and combinations of a limited number of syllables.

Zoologists argue that simple calls are used by animals as a greeting or signaling danger. However, this hypothesis does not seem to be true for the weasel.

Picture 1 of Zebra mink people speak?
Wolverines can speak "human language".

The researchers compared the behavior of zebra weasel in nature with the acoustic characteristics of the sound they emitted.They found that even though the 'signal' they emitted was quite short, the acoustic characteristics in the syllable of this species still changed (the sound emitted at the beginning and end of the signal was different). They explained that in each signal, the initial sound was considered to be the mark of each individual, and the final sound showed the work that the ferret was doing at the time.

From this study, Swiss experts concluded that the cries of this species are short but contain a lot of information, and have very complex structures, similar to the syllables in the voice of the species. people. And maybe all animals have their own voices, with a sound signal system developed.