Zebra brushing teeth for hippopotamus

At first glance the picture below you might think zebra wants to commit suicide, but in fact it is not.

Picture 1 of Zebra brushing teeth for hippopotamus

Zebras clean their teeth and mouth for hippos in about 15 minutes.Photo: Jill Sonsteby .

Telegraph said, the hippopotamus and the zebra in the picture are kept in zoological Zurich, Switzerland. Visitors were stunned to see the horse sticking his head inside the hippopotamus and licking. Jill Sonsteby, an American photographer, happened to come to the zoo at the time, quickly pressing the camera to record the incredible scene.

"The zebra lives in the same area as a mother and hippopotamus. In the presence of about 20 visitors, the hippo opens its mouth and lets the horse lick its teeth and mouth. The horse does the work for about 15 minutes. "People take pictures and admire. They think it's a great spectacle," the 34-year-old photographer said.

Despite being only 1.5 meters tall and weighing up to 3 tons, the hippopotamus is the third largest among mammals. They are one of the fiercest and most powerful animals on the planet. Their jaws are up to 60 cm wide and can expand up to 150 degrees. Their grip force is large enough to break a couple of small boats. Thus they can kill the opponent with a single bite.

Despite his heavy body, the hippopotamus ran faster than humans on the ground. They can reach speeds of 30 km / h when running short distances. Mature hippos cannot swim underwater, but they can push their bodies forward at about 8 km / h. This animal is the most aggressive when protecting children. They did not kill each other, but robbed hundreds of people in Africa.