Detecting new organs in the human body

Scientists have discovered a new organ in the human digestive system. This organ is called the mesenteric membrane.

So far, studies have focused on understanding the structure instead of its function.

The new findings are published in The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology and are expected to be helpful in treating abdominal and gastrointestinal diseases.

The hanging intestinal membrane lies in the digestive system, long thought to be made up of separate structures. However, in the recent study, scientists concluded that this is an organ.

Picture 1 of Detecting new organs in the human body
The new organ is the mesenteric membrane located in the digestive system - (Photo: sciencealert).

"In the study, we confirmed that the human body has an unrecognized organ so far," said J Calvin Coffey, a researcher from Ireland's Limerick University Hospital.

"The anatomical descriptions that existed for the last 100 years are not accurate. The agency is not disjointed and complex, but simply a continuous structure," he said.

Currently students of medical schools have begun to be taught according to new knowledge that the mesenteric membrane is a separate organ .

In addition, Gray's Anatomy series of world famous medical books have also updated this new knowledge.

The earliest description of the intestinal membrane was published by Leonardo da Vinci. Throughout the centuries, this body is still considered to play an unimportant role in the human body.

The study was conducted by Coffey and colleagues since 2012, then continued to collect many anatomical data to prove that this is a separate agency with continuous structure, not discrete

The new finding will also help scientists learn more about the true role of intestinal membranes hanging in the digestive system and for human intestinal and abdominal diseases.