Harmful mistake when drinking juice juice daily

Do you think juice juice is the healthiest, healthiest drink? You are wrong.

Many people think that the "fruit" label of juice will provide the body with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants like fresh fruits. But this is a common illusion. Even being poisoned with fruit juice with fruit juice. What you don't know is that this method can be detrimental to you and cause unpleasant harm to your body.

Juice is not as miraculous as you think

1. Fruit juice may contain toxic substances

After pressing, you must fill the jar and store the refrigerator for storage. The removal of oxygen for storage causes the taste of the juice to change, no longer as good as the fresh fruit. In the 1960s, the West developed special compounds, adding flavor and flavor to juices to deceive the taste of users. The problem is that these compounds never list ingredients because they are always advertised to contain only orange or orange oil. The truth is completely opposite and dangerous. They contain a large amount of ethyl butyrate to regenerate freshly squeezed orange juice. There is no natural taste in this flavoring compound, so it's best to eat an orange or a fresh apple!

Picture 1 of Harmful mistake when drinking juice juice daily

2. Low nutrient content

Nothing compares to freshly squeezed orange juice. Pure, healthy, rich in Vitamin C and healthy minerals. You think so? Wrong milk . Fruit smoothies, including freshly squeezed orange juice, are high in fructose and have a negative effect on the body like light drinks. The content of Vitamin C, B1, folic acid . also significantly reduced compared to fresh fruit, not to mention fiber is no longer available.

3. There are many roads

Do you know what the biggest problem of juice and vitamins is? Take a look at these shocking parameters: a Coca Cola can contain 140 calories and 40 grams of sugar. Nothing unexpected. But what about a can of apple juice? The amount of calories is even more (165), while the amount of sugar is equal (49 grams). Not good if your goal is to lose weight.

"The juice is absorbed very quickly, so by the time it reaches the stomach your body will no longer be able to tell whether it is Coca-cola or orange juice," said Susan Jebb, head of fat research. The fertility and diets of the Medical Research Council, the University of Cambridge, said. The advice given is to eat fresh fruit instead.

4. It is related to diabetes risk

Experts at Harvard University's School of Public Health have focused their research on how eating apples, pears, grapes and blueberries can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Blueberries take the championship when those who eat 3 servings of blueberries / week will reduce their diabetes risk by 26%.

Picture 2 of Harmful mistake when drinking juice juice daily

But the bad news for juice is that people who drink fruit juice increase their risk of disease by 8%. Experts have asked volunteers to drink water from pure grape juice every day for 3 months continuously. Many antioxidants are in the juice but actually increase the body's resistance to insulin."Our advice is to eat whole fruit, instead of juice, as a measure of diabetes prevention , " said the study author.

5. Causing gout in women

Guess which agents can cause gout in women? It is fruit juice and soda . The American Medical Association has published a study criticizing fruit juice because of the large fructose sugar content. Women who drink lots of juice or soda every day are twice as likely to get gout than those who occasionally drink.

In short, unless you squeeze orange / apple juice yourself and drink it right away, the juice is really not as divine as you think.