Research science: People who tend to be late often live longer and smarter

No one likes being late, but many people find it hard to be on time. According to new research by experts from Harvard University, being late is good for your health for the following reasons.

Less stressed

People who are often late are considered irresponsible, but the good side of being late is that you live longer. As explained by the Harvard Medical School experts, people who go late anytime and anywhere have a more comfortable life than those who are always on time.

These people often don't let deadlines or time ruin their mood. Therefore, they are less stressed. Unlike people who are always on time, time is not a factor for people who are delayed or under pressure. Therefore, this group of people rarely experience symptoms related to stress, high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease.

Picture 1 of Research science: People who tend to be late often live longer and smarter
People who go late anytime and anywhere have a more comfortable life than those who are always on time.


Being late is associated with optimism and enthusiasm. Because latecomers often think that they can get through the whole thing and still be able to arrive on time. Although they often estimate the time wrong, their optimism throughout life will bring long-term benefits.

Havard's research shows that optimists are happier because they always know how to look at the bright side of life. According to experts, keeping a positive attitude can improve your health and help you live longer, because optimism will protect the heart and support circulation.


Going late is a manifestation of intelligence. Psychologist Jeff Conte did the research and found that latecomers were often very versatile. They will solve problems well when faced with challenges.

People who are often late will come up with better solutions faster because they are so used to deadlines and quick thinking. Therefore, their productivity will be higher than those on time.

Live longer

People who are late for appointments will reduce stress, so they are happier and smarter. They are less likely to suffer from neurological diseases. It may seem like being late helps you live longer, so don't be too hard on yourself if you're late to be late.

Late appointment is not recommended and people who are often late should change this habit. However, exploring another aspect of the delay is also very interesting.

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