Revealed about rare wolves who know how to swim, eat seafood

The island of Vancouver, Canada is one of the rare wolves in the world, swimming well and eating seafood mainly.

It is said that they move like ghosts along Vancouver, Canada coast because it is rare for people to see them.

British filmmaker Bertie Gregory is quite fortunate to stumble upon the island wolf and quickly made the "wild life with Bertie Gregory" series.

According to Mr. Bertie Gregory, wolf island is a unique predator. They often hunt in wild natural conditions.

Picture 1 of Revealed about rare wolves who know how to swim, eat seafood
Wolf island in Vancouver, Canada.

Dr. Chris Darimont, one of the key scientists in the group's study of life, the unusual way of life for the past two decades, shared some interesting information.

There are two types of island wolves are wolf island mainland and wolf island coastal. Their food is seafood. The mainland island wolf eats less seafood and has less common characteristics of wolf island than the coastal island wolf. In Gregory's series, Gregory focused mainly on the type of wolf island on the coast.

The size of the wolf island is quite small. This is explained by scientists because of diet. 90% of their food is seafood. Salmon is favorite food, besides they eat oysters, oysters, roe, seals, otters .

Wolves of coastal islands live mainly in southern Alaska. However, the number of individuals of this species is decreasing.

Unlike the mainland island wolf, wolf island coastal life completely live in the sea. This is proven based on DNA gene analysis.

Erin Navid, co-author of the series, said that wolf island is a highly mobile animal . The range ranges from a few hundred kilometers and is capable of swimming and crossing small pillars.

The coastal island wolf has great swimming ability. When hunting, this wolf species can swim as far as a few kilometers, crept through flexible cliffs. Their furthest record reaches 12km.