Robot Secretary

Picture 1 of Robot Secretary Do not gossip around the office as well as never 'go to bed' with your boss, it's 'secretary' Saya (pictured), one of the robots that mimics the behavior of the most innovative person in the world.

Saya was created by the University of Tokyo (Japan) for companies that want to cut down the cost of hiring receptionists, and in the future be able to take on the role of secretary.

With a rich vocabulary (300 words and 700 phrases), the Saya robot can communicate with guests and lead guests to the desk of colleagues in the company. Saya also displayed facial expressions, ranging from cheerfulness, anger, surprise to disappointment.

In addition to Saya, to serve society with the growing number of elderly people, Japanese robotics experts are building traffic-oriented robots and companion robots with the mentally retarded elderly.