The dish that looks like a stone, wants to enjoy must use foot trampling

Everyone will be surprised to know that inside these "white stones" is a very familiar food for every home.

Picture 1 of The dish that looks like a stone, wants to enjoy must use foot trampling
Kohei Onuma is Japanese but currently is an international student in Bolivia, South America. In addition to studying, he was in charge of information about Bolivia, so he often went there to explore the culture and cuisine of this land. On his blog, he has an article introducing Bolivia's exotic dishes .

Picture 2 of The dish that looks like a stone, wants to enjoy must use foot trampling
Have you ever eaten ice? In fact, these white stones are potatoes . The reason for this strange appearance is due to the preservation method of the people in the high mountains of the Andes , where the weather is very harsh.

Picture 3 of The dish that looks like a stone, wants to enjoy must use foot trampling
The way to preserve potatoes here is also very different, people will dry potatoes for about a week.In the cold climate of the Andes, it repeatedly froze and thawed continuously and sucked water like a sponge.

Picture 4 of The dish that looks like a stone, wants to enjoy must use foot trampling
After draining the potatoes for the last time, people will step on their feet to stamp their shells completely off.Continue, the potatoes will be covered with a cloth and left in the shade for about 2 weeks to prevent discoloration due to sunlight.At this time, the potato has a slightly unpleasant ammonia smell, but the taste is excellent.

Picture 5 of The dish that looks like a stone, wants to enjoy must use foot trampling
Many people wonder why people preserve potatoes by this strange method in the Andes. Strange colors and unpleasant smells, even the authentic potato flavor is no longer available. However, the people explained that this is a way to preserve the storage period up to half a year, can even store up to 3 years .

Picture 6 of The dish that looks like a stone, wants to enjoy must use foot trampling

Picture 7 of The dish that looks like a stone, wants to enjoy must use foot trampling
One more reason is that if stored in this way, the potato will have many uses better than normal.This is a long-standing traditional culinary culture of the Andes people.If you have the opportunity, come here to enjoy the special potato flavor of this Andes region.