This is why phones are so good that batteries are still bad

It looks like you will not be able to escape soon enough to always carry with you a spare charger!

There is a fact that everyone knows, that is the battery life of the phone is always bad . Even with the big capacity batteries and enough spare batteries being sold on the market, most smartphones today still struggle to hold out for a long day, some devices are in stock. " Buffalo battery " just barely fits the milestone for 2 days."

But things weren't like that before: in the old days, phones once had a great battery life, lasting for weeks without charging. And it is true that our phones today are much more powerful than simple phones, such as Nokia 3310, but why does the battery still "stall" ?

According to Venkat Srinivasan, an expert in battery technology, the core problem is simple: Moore's law has gone too far for battery technology, meaning our phones are getting better - and demanding more energy - at a much faster rate than the battery's improved speed.

In fact, battery technology does not "stall" as mentioned above: we have gradually increased the energy density index in the last few years by shrinking the device inside the device. . But according to Srinivasan, we have reached a stage where new improvements in energy density will come from changing battery materials, and new materials will always appear slower than technical advances. .

Picture 1 of This is why phones are so good that batteries are still bad
Researchers have been exploring new battery technologies to open doors to denser energy density materials.

That's because today's rechargeable batteries are made based on lithium cobalt , a battery technology that has been used since the early 1990s to date, and we've reached the limit of energy levels that can be obtained from it. There are new hopes in the future. Researchers have been exploring new battery technologies, such as solid batteries, that can open the door to more dense energy materials, thereby providing future devices. more energy.

However, there is a drawback: until such new batteries appear, our phones may have become much more advanced than they are today and need more and more energy - the results. is that we will be in the same situation again, when the battery will only last one day!