Who is at risk for hepatitis C?

Babies born to mothers infected with virus C; having sex or contact with an infected person's epidemic; poorly cleaned tattooing tools . can get hepatitis C.

Hepatitis C is an infectious disease caused by Hepatitis C virus (HCV) , a silent disease but very serious consequences. However, hepatitis C is of little concern. According to Boldsky, people should know and understand how to cause hepatitis C.

Hepatitis C is a disease that spreads from a carrier to a healthy person in three ways: blood sugar, sexual pathways, and mother giving the placenta to the placenta at birth.

Picture 1 of Who is at risk for hepatitis C?
Hepatitis C is an infectious disease.(Photo: Boldsky).

People at risk for hepatitis C:

  1. People with organ transplants or blood transfusions, sharing needles, straws from people infected with HCV.
  2. People who work at the clinic or hospital come into contact with a HCV-containing specimen frequently such as infected needles, dialysis machines or blood.
  3. People with unprotected sex with partners infected with HCV.
  4. Babies are born from mothers infected with C.
  5. Some people participate in acupuncture, ear-piercing, tattooing, but the practice tools are not absolutely sterile.
  6. In addition, there are some cases of HCV infection but the cause of infection is unknown.

Hepatitis C patients face three very serious complications: cirrhosis, liver cancer and liver failure. More dangerous is hepatitis C that occurs silently, with no symptoms until serious damage to the liver. Infected people do not know they are infected and may unknowingly spread the disease to the community.

If there are symptoms such as fever, stomach pain, joint pain, muscle aches, itchy skin, poor appetite, nausea and fatigue, especially dark urine, yellow eyes, jaundice, then test for hepatitis C for timely treatment directions.

The cheapest, most effective way to combat this disease is to prevent it. Do not inject drugs or indiscriminate sex and insecure blood transfusions. People with chronic hepatitis C or healthy people carrying the hepatitis C virus should get regular checkups.