Will blood transfusions of young people help old people to 'improve old age'? The controversial issue in this scientific world has now been clarified thanks to a recent discovery!

If risking your life means that, in a way, will bring about a significant life-span, will you accept to go on that path to the end?

Once the gunfire signaled the start of the Beijing Olympics competition, the athletes would give each other a fraction of a second. And this is the time when blood doping comes

American biomedical researchers have made a big breakthrough, opening new doors for organ transplantation when using spinach leaves to create heart tissue.

Although the ABO blood count method can predict the likelihood of parental blood relation but accuracy is very low, therefore, it is not acceptable for legal purposes.

Until now, it was rare for the scientific community to admit myths like vampires.

Babies born to mothers infected with virus C; having sex or contact with an infected person's epidemic; poorly cleaned tattooing tools ... can get hepatitis C.