The effects of certain viruses on the body cause cells to lose control and turn into malignant tumors. Studies show that more than one hundred thousand cases of cancer in the world

Scientists have discovered that rats are a source of transmission of hepatitis E to some people, but are still investigating how transmission occurs.

According to the initial assessment, the virus has the same family name as the hepatitis C virus, the Flaviviridae family - viruses caused by blood-borne insects such as mosquitoes

On September 4, for the first time in the world, a group of South Korean scientists announced the determination of the mechanism of hepatitis C to destroy the liver, opening up the

A team of researchers at the University of Alberta, Canada has announced that a vaccine strain has been found to be able to fight almost all hepatitis C viruses, which harm 200

Babies born to mothers infected with virus C; having sex or contact with an infected person's epidemic; poorly cleaned tattooing tools ... can get hepatitis C.

According to the Ministry of Health, patients with hepatitis B account for 8-25% of the population, and it is estimated that by 2020 there will be 8 million Vietnamese people

Patients infected with persistent hepatitis C (HCV) virus can lead to chronic hepatitis C and then progress to cirrhosis and liver cancer, the third most common cause of death