Why does ginger relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract?

According to HowStuffworks, ginger is a traditional medicine of natural origin that is trusted by many medical doctors. It has been known for thousands of years (mainly in India and Southeast Asia, the main habitat of this species). Perhaps it is best known for its antidepressant effect. It also works against nausea and vomiting.

has been the subject of many medical studies in recent years, most of which confirm its benefits for a wide range of diseases but these have not mentioned much of its effect on the digestive system. chemical. It has been shown to have positive effects on, immune, abdominal pain, heart attack and the common cold. Ginger may also hinder the development of certain types of tumors.

Picture 1 of Why does ginger relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract?
Ginger works against nausea and vomiting.

However, a recent study has gone in a relatively new direction: the effect of ginger on the digestive system.Ginger has been shown to help reduce flatulence and intestinal spasms. It is considered as a gastrointestinal soothing agent . It also helps prevent nausea, motion, pregnancy and chemotherapy.

We often refer to the fresh ginger that we eat - the part of the tumor has hard skin - and sees it as "ginger root" but this is not entirely accurate. The ginger we eat is actually the rhizome of legumes Zingiber officinale. Gingerols are compounds active in the ginger body. They are responsible for the special smell and taste of ginger.

It has a strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect. Scientists have not yet determined exactly how these types of gingerol affect our digestive system. However, it may be related to the interference of serotonin receptors in the gut causing that nausea. It is also possible that gingerols help the body release enzymes that digest food.

Picture 2 of Why does ginger relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract?
The ginger we eat is actually the rhizome of legumes Zingiber officinale.

If you want to try ginger to reduce nausea, there are many ways to proceed. Ginger tea is the first recommended solution: Slice a few slices of dried ginger and add them to boiling water for a few minutes (you can use honey or lemon to reduce the concentration of ginger).

You can also add fresh ginger to food or use ginger, candy, flour, extracts, capsules and oils. You may find that this is a "delicious" way to treat gastrointestinal symptoms . And even if you don't see that ginger helps your symptoms go away, you don't get drowsy or other side effects like medications prescribed by your doctor.