You should limit bamboo shoots if you have 1 in 5 of these diseases

Know the disease should not eat bamboo shoots to protect their health and relatives this Tet!

Bamboo soup has long been an indispensable traditional dish in Tet holidays. Besides benefits such as low cholesterol, high fiber, good for weight and cardiovascular health, bamboo shoots have certain disadvantages. In particular, stay away from bamboo shoots if you have some diseases later!

Stomach pain

People with stomach pain should not eat bamboo shoots because bamboo shoots contain a large amount of cyanhydric acid. This acid, when absorbed in large quantities, causes gastric ulcers, which can gradually become chronic diseases that are difficult to treat.

Picture 1 of You should limit bamboo shoots if you have 1 in 5 of these diseases


When you have gout, you need to be careful about the amount of uric acid in your blood as they can make the disease worse. Foods that grow fast like bamboo shoots, bamboo shoots, asparagus speed up the synthesis of uric acid, not good for gout.

Kidney disease

High amounts of calcium and acid in bamboo shoots are not beneficial for people with kidney disease. Eating too much bamboo shoots can affect blood vessel walls that damage the kidneys, gradually leading to other dangerous diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, .

Picture 2 of You should limit bamboo shoots if you have 1 in 5 of these diseases

The person has just broken a bone

If you have just suffered a joint injury, you should not eat too much bamboo shoots. The reason is that oxalic acid in fresh bamboo shoots affects the absorption and utilization of calcium and zinc of the body. The broken bone is also harder to heal.

New people get sick

New people get sick, weak resistance should not eat bamboo shoots because bamboo shoots contain a certain amount of glucose. Normally, glucide is not harmful to the body, but when the body is weak, it breaks down with digestive enzymes and acidity in the stomach easily leads to vomiting.

Picture 3 of You should limit bamboo shoots if you have 1 in 5 of these diseases

Also, note the following to avoid poisoning when eating bamboo shoots:

  1. Soak bamboo shoots with water overnight to clean up the mud and remove the poison.Do not drink fresh bamboo shoots.
  2. Some other ways to decontaminate bamboo shoots such as: soaking bamboo shoots with rice water, boiling bamboo shoots with a handful of leafy vegetables . For poisonous bamboo shoots, it is recommended to soak them with clear lime water, when boiling, the poison should be opened for poison evaporation.
  3. Pickled bamboo shoots must be turned to yellow and have a sour smell to eat.
  4. If you want to dry bamboo shoots to eat dried bamboo shoots, boil them well before salt water before drying them before cooking.