If you own a dog, you'll get used to it being able to eat anything.

Many stomach aches often drink black turmeric mixed with honey and think that black turmeric is like golden turmeric.

The lotus is sweet, eaten raw or cooked and can be processed in many dishes. In addition to flavor, lotus seed also has high nutritional value.

On Tet holidays, people suffering from stomach pain should pay attention to choosing the appropriate menu to avoid unpleasant feelings of stomach.

Abdominal pain may not normally be dangerous, but it is also a warning sign that you need to pay attention to health. The location of pain can help the doctor detect the cause.

Stomach pain as we know it has many causes here the main cause of disease is due to an unreasonable diet.

People with stomach pain must take antacid drugs to make bacteria rise slightly, the stomach becomes warm and uncomfortable; Eating yogurt helps your stomach run out of steam.

Watermelon is a popular summer fruit because of its sweetness and plenty of water. But watermelon is not always good and beneficial for your body.

People with stomach pain should not eat or drink freely if the illness is worse, making the stomach hurt. You can completely eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease by

Drinking 1 cup of filtered water in the morning can save lives, especially those with a history of cardiovascular disease.